Amir Sharafkhaneh, MD, Ph D, Professor of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, Staff Physician, Michael E. De Bakey VA Medical Center, Houston, Texas, USA
3 Ebooks de Nicola A. Hanania
Amir Sharafkhaneh & Abebaw Mengistu Yohannes: Depression and Anxiety in Patients with Chronic Respiratory Diseases
In this unique title, the full range of chronic respiratory conditions and their association with psychiatric comorbidities are explored and targeted management options are outlined. Indeed recent st …
Nicola A. Hanania & Amir Sharafkhaneh: COPD
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) affects millions of people across the world. COPD is not only a major burden to patients but is also costly and results in billions of dollars of direct a …
Louis-Philippe Boulet & Nicola A. Hanania: Asthma and COPD Overlap: An Update, An Issue of Immunology and Allergy Clinics of North America, E-Book
In this issue, guest editors bring their considerable expertise to this important topic.Provides in-depth reviews on the latest updates in the field, providing actionable insights for clinical practi …