Samsul Ariffin Abdul Karim is a Senior Lecturer at Fundamental and Applied Sciences Department, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP), Malaysia. He has been in the department for more than eleven years. He obtained his B.App.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Computational Mathematics & Computer Aided Geometric Design (CAGD) from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). He had 20 years of experience using Mathematica and MATLAB software for teaching and research activities. His research interests include curves and surfaces designing, geometric modeling and wavelets applications in image compression and statistics. He has published more than 120 papers in journals and conferences as well as seven books including two research monographs and three edited conferences volume and 25 book chapters. He is the recipient of Effective Education Delivery Award and Publication Award (journal & conference paper), UTP Quality Day 2010, 2011 and 2012, respectively. He was certified WOLFRAM Technology Associate, Mathematica Student Level. He has published four books with Springer.
Nordin Saad is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia. He obtained a B.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from Kansas State University USA, a M.Sc. in Power Electronics Engineering from Loughborough University UK, and a Ph.D. in Control and Systems Engineering from The University of Sheffield UK. He was the Head, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at the current university from 1998 to 2000, having joined the university in 1997. He was appointed as Cluster Leader for the Industrial Automation and Control from 2005 to 2012 and subsequently Co-Cluster Leader for the Power-Control and Instrumentation from 2013 to 2014. Currently, He is leading the Centre for Smart Grid Energy Research. There is a total of seven Ph.D.s and four M.Sc.s (by research) that had graduated under his supervision. He had authored and co-authored two books and about 130 journals, transactions, book chapters and technical papers and received a number of best paper awards at international conferences for the research conducted by his team. His research work encompasses some of the issues that include computer/embedded systems/PLC control of processes, instrumentation and control of process plant facilities, condition monitoring and diagnostic of machines and power electronic converters for high power transmissions, electrical drives control and smart electrical energy systems. He is a Chartered Engineer registered under the Engineering Council United Kingdom, a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (SMIEEE) USA and a member of the Institute of Measurement and Control (MInst MC) UK.
Dr. Ramani Kannan is a Senior Lecturer in Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia. He received his B.E. degree from Bharathiyar University, India. Later on, he completedhis M.E. and Ph.D. in Power Electronics and Drives from Anna University, respectively. He holds more than 115 publications in reputed international and national journals and conferences. He is an active senior member in IEEE(USA) and members of IE(I), IET(UK), ISTE(I) and Institute of Advance Engineering and Science. Dr. Ramani is recognized with many awards, including “Career Award for Young Teacher” from AICTE India, 2012; “Young Scientist Award” in Power Electronics and Drives, 2015; “Highest Research publication Award” 2017; Award for Outstanding Performance, Service and Dedication 2019 at UTP, Malaysia; and “Outstanding Researcher Award” in UTP Q Day 2019, Best Presenter Award, IEEE CENCON 2019 international conference at Indonesia. He is Editor of the books including “Sustaining Electrical Power Resources through Energy Optimization and Future Engineering” Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018, and Practical Examples of Energy Optimization Models Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd 2019. He has completed 5 funded projects and 7 research projects in progress. The grants are FRGS, ASEAN-India, YUTP, KETTHA and STIRF.
He is the Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Asian Scientific Research (2011–2018) and Regional Editor for the International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology, Inderscience Publisher, UK, from 2015. He is an Associate Editor in IEEE Access journal since 2018. Dr. Ramani is servicing many Guest Editors such as Elsevier journal, Inderscience, IGI Global and IJPAM. His research interest involves power electronics, inverters, modeling of induction motor and optimization techniques.
6 Ebooks de Nordin Saad
Rosdiazli Ibrahim & Muhammad Irfan: Condition Monitoring and Faults Diagnosis of Induction Motors
The book covers various issues related to machinery condition monitoring, signal processing and conditioning, instrumentation and measurements, faults for induction motors failures, new trends in con …
Rosdiazli Ibrahim & Muhammad Irfan: Condition Monitoring and Faults Diagnosis of Induction Motors
The book covers various issues related to machinery condition monitoring, signal processing and conditioning, instrumentation and measurements, faults for induction motors failures, new trends in con …
Vijanth Sagayan Asirvadam & Tran Duc Chung: WirelessHART™
This book presents a guideline for EWMA filter design for industrial wireless networked control system, both theoretically and practically. The filter’s key advantages are simple, effective, low comp …
Vijanth Sagayan Asirvadam & Tran Duc Chung: WirelessHART™
This book presents a guideline for EWMA filter design for industrial wireless networked control system, both theoretically and practically. The filter’s key advantages are simple, effective, low comp …
Sabo Miya Hassan & Rosdiazli Ibrahim: Hybrid PID Based Predictive Control Strategies for WirelessHART Networked Control Systems
Recent advances in wireless technology have led to the emergence of industry standards such as Wireless HART. These strategies minimise the need for cumbersome cabling, thereby reducing costs. Howeve …
Samsul Ariffin Abdul Karim & Nordin Saad: Advanced Methods for Processing and Visualizing the Renewable Energy
This book is a collection of research work conducted by researchers at Centre for Smart Grid Energy Research (CSMER), Institute of Autonomous System, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP), and Seismic …