Where does life come from? – What is the purpose of life? – What is the role of the human being within the cosmos? – How does matter emerge from energy? – What are the direct links between the human energetic field, human chakras and human tissues? – What are the basic laws of life: the rules upon which the entire universe is built and on which it functions?
If new information is going to be truth, it needs to comply with everything the contemporary scientific world already knows as being true. So, the truth must have something to do with We are made from Energy and with We function Energetically. Understanding how life came about, where humans really came from and where we fit into the grand scheme of the Universe, helps to unravel the mystery of how it all functions.
By listening to ‘everybody’ we have tried to distill an essence that contains the pure simple truth, explaining all we observe and showing us where it all comes from. This information is available to all of you and can be grasped by all of you. Keep observing life and you will be able to verify the information presented in this book.
Chapter 1: The Creation
Egyptian Mythology – Ancient Science – The Bible – New Science
Chapter 2: Light and the Golden Ratio
Visible Spectrum – The Golden Ratio – The Golden Ratio and the Visible Light – Chakras and the Human Energy Pattern – The Creation Code of the Visible Spectrum
Chapter 3: Visualisation of the Chakras
Further Division of Colours – Visualisation of the Chakras
Chapter 4: The Creation of Tissue
The Creation of Light – Creating Plants – Creating Everything – The Origin of Species – The Story of Creation
Chapter 5: Frequencies and Matter
Chapter 6: Creation of a Human Being
Chapter 7: A Human Being Created from Information
The Making of a Human Being – Making Babies
Chapter 8: The Yin-Yang Rhythm of Life
Male-Female – The Process of LIfe – Health and Disease – Health from an Energetic Point of View
Chapter 9: The Cartesian Coordinates
Two Dimensions – Three Dimensions – The Human Body in a Cartesian System
Chapter 10: The Human Evolutionary System
Summary: Create Your Heaven on Earth – Karma – Karma in Buddhism – Karma in the West – Tornado – Recurrent Diseases – Disease or Disharmony
Chapter 11: The Human Energetic Circuit
Alternative View on the Human Energetic Circuit – Combinations of C and F – Combinations of C’ and F’