Patrick Russell (geb. 1727 in Edinburgh; gest. 1805 in London) war ein schottisch-britischer Chirurg und Herpetologe. Um 1750 reiste er nach Aleppo, wo er 1753 den Posten des Arztes der Levantischen Handelsgesellschaft übernahm. In dieser Funktion erlebte er mehrere Pestläufe, was ihn solcherart beeindruckte, dass es ihn bewog, im Jahre 1791 eines der ausführlichsten jemals zu diesem Thema erschienen Werke zu publizieren.
8 Ebooks de Patrick Russell
Patrick Russell: An Address Given in to the Late King James by the Titular Archbishop of Dublin
FROM The General Meeting of the Romish Bishops and Clergy of Ireland, held in May last, by that King’s Order. Wherein several Things relating to the Popish Designs upon these Three Kingdoms, are disc …
Patrick Russell: Abhandlung über die Pest
Mit seiner umfangreichen ‘Abhandlung über die Pest’ legte Patrick Russell seinerzeit ein regelrechtes Opus Magnum über die Erkrankung vor. Neben einer ausführlichen Beschreibung der Pestsymptome und …
Patrick Russell: 100 British Documentaries
Ever since John Grierson popularized the term ”documentary, ” British non-fiction film has been renowned, sometimes reviled, but seldom properly appreciated. ”100 British Documentaries ”provides …
Patrick Russell: 100 British Documentaries
Ever since John Grierson popularized the term ”documentary, ” British non-fiction film has been renowned, sometimes reviled, but seldom properly appreciated. ”100 British Documentaries ”provides …
Patrick Russell & James Piers Taylor: Shadows of Progress
Britain emerged from war a changed country, facing new social, industrial and cultural challenges. Its documentary film tradition – established in the 1930s and 1940s around legendary figures such as …
Patrick Russell & James Piers Taylor: Shadows of Progress
Britain emerged from war a changed country, facing new social, industrial and cultural challenges. Its documentary film tradition – established in the 1930s and 1940s around legendary figures such as …
Simon Popple & Patrick Russell: The Lost World of Mitchell and Kenyon
The Lost World of Mitchell and Kenyon” contains essays from leading historians covering film history, popular entertainment, the seaside, transport and the social and economic context of Edwardian B …
Simon Popple & Patrick Russell: The Lost World of Mitchell and Kenyon
The Lost World of Mitchell and Kenyon” contains essays from leading historians covering film history, popular entertainment, the seaside, transport and the social and economic context of Edwardian B …