Learn how to inspire your audience with best-selling author Paul Mc Gee!
13 things you’ll discover when reading this book…
1. The big lesson Steve Jobs learnt when an advertising exec threw something at him… and how it will help how you communicate.
2. Seven ways to manage your nerves (surprisingly, you don’t want to eliminate them).
3. Why our obsession with body language is totally wrong, and what to focus on instead.
4. Why you must think about a beachball before you next speak. Believe me, it’s essential.
5. A question your audience is always thinking, and how to ensure you provide the answer.
6. The most common mistake experienced presenters make that nervous ones never do.
7. Why so many presentations cure insomnia, and how to make sure you’re serving an extra strong double espresso instead.
8. The number one thing most presenters forget to bring when they’re speaking to others.
9. Discover the most underprepared part of your presentation, and how to avoid making the same mistake.
10. What women’s magazines and TV soap operas have to teach us about audience engagement.
11. What I learnt from a guy with one of the most powerful memories on the planet, and how it can transform your communication.
12. Discover Tony Blair’s biggest fear when Prime Minister, and how you can tackle the same issue with confidence.
13. Why you don’t have to be funny to use humour in your presentation, and three easy ways to do it.
Foreword by Andy Bounds ix
Introduction: Why this stuff really matters 1
Part 1: The Seven Great Sins of Speaking 17
Sin 1: A failure to make your message sticky or memorable 19
Sin 2: Drowning people in detail 27
Sin 3: A failure to consider or understand your audience’s needs 35
Sin 4: Focusing on features rather than selling benefits 41
Sin 5: Winging it 49
Sin 6: Showing slides that suck… the life out of your audience 55
Sin 7: Taking people on a pointless ramble 61
Part 2: Eight Great Ways to Speak so People Really Listen 67
Way 1: Get real 69
Way 2: Get your attitude into gear 77
Way 3: Start at the end 89
Way 4: Sort out your skeletons 95
Way 5: Grab ’em by the eyeballs 105
Way 6: Become an artist 121
Way 7: Learn lessons from JC, Jo, and the Greek guy 141
Way 8: Shine at question time 157
Part 3: I’m Glad You Asked That… 167
Question 1: Is it possible to get rid of my nerves before presenting? 169
Question 2: Is it ever appropriate to use humour in my presentation? 179
Question 3: How important is body language when communicating with others? 191
So what’s next for you? 201
So what did you think? 207
About Paul Mc Gee 209
Other books by Paul Mc Gee 211
Want Paul to speak for your organization? 213
Index 215
Despre autor
Paul Mc Gee (www.The Sumo Guy.com) is Capstone’s bestselling author of all time. He is the author of Self-Confidence (now in 2nd edition), How Not to Worry, How to Succeed with People and S.U.M.O. (Shut Up, Move On) which celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2015.He is an international keynote speaker and performance coach, combining his background in psychology with large doses of humour and practical insights.He is managing director of his own training and education company and proud creator of SUMO (Shut Up & Move On). He has spread the word about SUMO in over 30 countries and expanded the brand into the public, private and educational sectors.Paul has a diploma in Performance Coaching and counselling, and is an associate of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. Building on his background in psychology, Paul has spoken in 34 countries and delivered over 1, 500 presentations. Paul has worked as a presentation coach in the UK, Europe and Australia working with people from a wide variety of backgrounds and experience of delivering presentations. His clients include blue chip organisations, public sector bodies, politicians and a leading Premiership football team.
His aim is simple – ‘I want to help people achieve better results in life and have more fun in the process.’