Paul Needham is professor of theoretical philosophy at the University of Stockholm. He has a first degree in chemistry and a masters in philosophy, both from the University of Birmingham, and a doctorate in philosophy from the University of Uppsala. His interests include metaphysics, epistemology and the philosophy of science. He has previously worked on time and tense, causation and subjunctive conditionals. More recent interests are concerned with issues related to chemistry. This includes themes connected to the work of Pierre Duhem, particularly in connection with his role in the establishment of the field of physical chemistry, studies of the origins of the concept of chemical substance in the ancients and its development in more recent times, the discussion of natural kinds and criteria of sameness of substance in modern chemistry, and applications of mereology in the interpretation of macroscopic notions.
10 Ebooks de Paul Needham
Jan Faye & Paul Needham: Nature’s Principles
One of the most basic problems in the philosophy of science involves determining the extent to which nature is governed by laws. This volume presents a wide-ranging overview of the contemporary debat …
Paul Needham: Macroscopic Metaphysics
This book is about our ordinary concept of matter in the form of enduring continuants and the processes in which they are involved in the macroscopic realm. It emphasises what science rather than phi …
Paul Needham: Commentary on the Principles of Thermodynamics by Pierre Duhem
Pierre Duhem (1861–1916) held the chair of theoretical physics at Bordeaux from 1894 to his death. He established a reputation in both the history and philosophy of science as well as in science itse …
Philosophy of Chemistry
Philosophy of Chemistry investigates the foundational concepts and methods of chemistry, the science of the nature of substances and their transformations. This groundbreaking collection, the most th …
Horst Bredekamp & Irene Brückle: A Galileo Forgery
Galileo’s O, Volume III, is perhaps without peer in the history of the book. In this work, historians in various fields revise the results they presented in the first two volumes, which focused on th …
L. Lindahl: Position and Change
The present study which I have subtitled A Study in Law and Logic was prompted by the question of whether an investigation into law and legal systems could lead to the discovery of unrevealed fundame …
Pierre Duhem: Mixture and Chemical Combination
Much of Duhem’s work as a professional scientist was closely related to the newly emerging discipline of physical chemistry. The book and associated papers translated here revolve around his concomit …
Horst Bredekamp & Irene Bruckle: A Galileo Forgery
Galileo”s O, Band III, ist in der Buchgeschichte ohne Vorbild. Ein Kreis von Spezialisten der Kunst-, Buch-, Wissenschafts-, Material- und Restaurierungsgeschichte korrigiert in diesem Werk die eige …
Paul Needham: Getting to Know the World Scientifically
This undergraduate textbook introduces some fundamental issues in philosophy of science for students of philosophy and science students. The book is divided into two parts. Part 1 deals with knowledg …
Irene Brückle & Oliver Hahn: Galileo’s Sidereus nuncius: A comparison of the proof copy (New York) with other paradigmatic copies (Vol. I). Needham: Galileo makes a book: the first edition of Sidereus nuncius, Venice 1610 (Vol. II)
Galileo Galilei’s Sidereus Nuncius or ‘Sidereal Messenger’ published in Venice in 1610, is one of those books that rewrote history, as did Copernicus’ De revolutionibus and Newton’s Principia. Its au …