Winner of the 2019 Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for a Translation of a Scholarly Study of Literature presented by the Modern Language Association
Analects of Confucius is arguably the single most influential work of China’s cultural heritage. In this new English translation, Peimin Ni accomplishes the rare feat of simultaneously providing a faithful translation of the text, offering his own reading based on
gongfu (practice) perspective, and presenting major alternative readings to help the reader understand how diverse interpretations and controversies arise. In addition to the inclusion of the original Chinese text, Ni adds a comprehensive introduction, a discussion of key terms, annotations, and extensive cross-references. In doing so, Ni makes the text accessible and engaging for today’s audience.
Historical Background
Life of Confucius
Confucianism before and after Confucius
The Formation of the
English Translations of the
Gongfu Orientation
Key Terms
Ren 仁 — Human-heartedness
Xiao 孝 — Filial piety
De 德 — Virtuosity, virtue, kindness
Xing 性 — Human nature
Tian 天— Heaven
Tianming 天命 — Mandate of heaven
Dao 道 — the Way
Ming 命 — Destiny
Yi 义 — Appropriateness / rightness
Li 礼 — Ritual propriety, ritual
Zhengming 正名 — Rectification of names
Wuwei 无为 — Action by non-action
He 和 — Harmony
Yue or Le 乐 — Music / joy
Wen 文 and Zhi 质 — Refined form and substance
Quan 权 — Discretion
Zheng 政 — Governing
Shi 士 — Educated person
Junzi 君子 — Exemplary person
Sheng 圣 — Sage
Zhong 忠— Wholehearted devotion
Shu 恕 — Reciprocity
Xin 信 — Trustworthiness
Zhi 直 — Uprightness
Xue 学 — Learning, studying
Zhi 知 — Knowing, understanding, wisdom
Zhongyong 中庸 — Hitting the mark constantly
学而第一 Book 1
为政第二 Book 2
八佾第三 Book 3
里仁第四 Book 4
公冶长第五 Book 5
雍也第六 Book 6
述而第七 Book 7
泰伯第八 Book 8
子罕第九 Book 9
乡党第十 Book 10
先进第十一 Book 11
颜渊第十二 Book 12
子路第十三 Book 13
宪问第十四 Book 14
卫灵公第十五 Book 15
季氏第十六 Book 16
阳货第十七 Book 17
微子第十八 Book 18
子张第十九 Book 19
尧曰第二十 Book 20
Index of Names and Terms in the
General Index
Despre autor
Peimin Ni is Professor of Philosophy at Grand Valley State University. His books include
Moral Cultivation and Confucian Character: Engaging Joel J. Kupperman (coedited with Chenyang Li), also published by SUNY Press.