Preface: The Resistance to Pop
Part I ‘The Battle of the Brows’
1. A History of High and Low
‘Highbrow, ‘ ‘Lowbrow, ‘ ‘Middlebrow’
‘Folk’ and ‘Soul’
Preface: The Resistance to Pop
Part I ‘The Battle of the Brows’
1. A History of High and Low
‘Highbrow, ‘ ‘Lowbrow, ‘ ‘Middlebrow’
‘Folk’ and ‘Soul’
Dante’s Republic
‘General Converse’: Johnson and the Long Eighteenth Century
‘Similitude in Dissimilitude’
Keats and Mediocrity
Culture and Anarchy in the UK
‘The Battle of the Brows’
The Myth of Popular Culture
2. Pop Culture in the Spectator
Poems of the People
Canons and ‘Camp’
Base and Superstructure, Soma and Psyche
3. Pop and Postmodernism
The Social Self
Andy Warhol
‘Hey, Rapunzel, Let Down Your Hair’
Part II Dialectics of Pop
4. The Death of Kings: American Fiction from Cooper to
‘Paleface’ and ‘Redskin, ‘ Cowboy and Dandy
Pathfinding: Cooper and Mark Twain
Labor, Leisure, Love: Melville, James, Hemingway
Transatlantic: Raymond Chandler
5. Knock on Any Door: Three Histories of Hollywood
Ars Gratia Artis
Benjamin, Bazin, Eisenstein
Dialectics of Directing: Hawks, Welles, Scorsese
Dialectics of Acting: Barrymore, Bogart, Brando
Blonde on Blonde: Harlow and Monroe
Hang ‘Em High: Welles, Lewis, Eastwood
6. The Blues Misreading of Gospel: A History of Rock and
A Scandal in Bohemia
Jazz Myth, Jazz Reality
Soul Synthesis
Plugging In
Buddy Holly and the British Invasion
The Body English
Part III The World of Bob Dylan
7. Dylan and the Critics
The Limits of Typology
Dylan as Poet
8. Words and Music
‘Slippin’ and Slidin”
Dylan and Deferred Action
9. Dylan Himself
The Death of the Author
The Grand Tour and the Middle Passage
10. The Three Icons: Sinatra, Presley, Dylan
Iconography and Gender
The Fedora as Phallus
Elvis as Bobbysoxer
‘My Darling Young One’
Works Cited