In his exploration of the interaction between religion and worldwide social and cultural change, the author examines the major theories of global change and discusses the ways in which such change impinges on contemporary religious practice, meaning and influence.
Beyer explores some of the key issues in understanding the shape of religion today, including religion as culture and as social system, pure and applied religion, privatized and publicly influential religion, and liberal versus conservative religions. He goes on to apply these issues to five contemporary illustrative cases: the American Christian Right; Liberation Theology movements in Latin America; the Islamic Revolution in Iran; Zionists in Israel; and religious environmentalism.
Religion in Global Society
Four Approaches to Globalization
Socio-cultural Particularism in a Global Society
Systemic Religion in Global Society
Religion and Social Movements in Global Society
PART TWO: CASE STUDIES: Religion in Global Society: Five Contemporary Cases
The New Christian Right in the United States
The Liberation Theological Movement in Latin America
The Islamic Revolution in Iran
Religious Zionism in Israel
Religious Environmentalism