Autor: Petra Ahrweiler

Petra Ahrweiler is Professor of Sociology at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz in Germany, and the Director of the EA European Academy of Technology and Innovation Assessment, a publicly funded research organisation in Rhineland-Palatinate. Her publications include Innovation in Complex Social Systems (2010); „A New Model for University-Industry Links in Knowledge-Based Economies” in Journal of Product Innovation Management; and „In Search of a Network Theory of Innovations: Relations, Positions, and Perspectives” in Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology.Nigel Gilbert is Professor of Sociology at the University of Surrey, Guildford, UK, and Director of the Centre for Research in Social Simulation. His publications include Agent-based Models (2008); Computational Social Science (2010); and Simulating Innovation: Computer-based Tools for Rethinking Innovation (2014). Andreas Pyka is Professor and Chair in Innovation Economics at the Economics Institute at the University of Hohenheim. His publications include „Innovation Networks in Economics – From the incentive-based to the knowledge-based Approaches” in the European Journal of Innovation Management (2002), „Learning-by-modelling: Insights from an Agent-Based Model of University – Industry Relationships” in Cybernetics and Systems (2015) and „Avoiding evolutionary inefficiencies in innovation networks” in Prometheus (2015).

8 Ebooks de Petra Ahrweiler

Petra Ahrweiler: Innovation in Complex Social Systems
This book now has something new to say about innovation analysing it in complex social systems while making innovation understandable and tractable using tools such as computational network analysis …
Petra Ahrweiler: Innovation in Complex Social Systems
Innovation is the creation of new, technologically feasible, commercially realisable products and processes and, if things go right, it emerges from the ongoing interaction of innovative organisation …
Petra Ahrweiler: Innovation in Complex Social Systems
Innovation is the creation of new, technologically feasible, commercially realisable products and processes and, if things go right, it emerges from the ongoing interaction of innovative organisation …
Petra Ahrweiler & Nigel Gilbert: Computer Simulations in Science and Technology Studies
What is it about the structure and organisation of science and technology that has led to the spectacularly successful growth of knowledge during this century? This book explores this important and m …
Petra Ahrweiler & Nigel Gilbert: Simulating Knowledge Dynamics in Innovation Networks
The competitiveness of firms, regions and countries greatly depends on the generation, dissemination and application of new knowledge. Modern innovation research is challenged by the need to incorpor …
Petra Ahrweiler & Andreas Pyka: Joining Complexity Science and Social Simulation for Innovation Policy
This book explores how complexity science and social simulation can be used to improve and inform policy-making in both research and innovation. Beginning with an introduction to conceptual definitio …
Petra Ahrweiler & Martin Neumann: Advances in Social Simulation
This book presents the state of the art in social simulation as presented at the Social Simulation Conference 2019 in Mainz, Germany. It covers the developments in applications and methods of social …