This book supports primary trainees and their in school mentors to understand the complex nature of effective learning and teaching in primary schools.
It explores the key skills required, helping trainees begin use them in their teaching, reflect on their development of these skills (with their mentors) and evaluate their impact on learning.
This book supports and challenges primary trainee teachers and their mentors (both school based and university/SCITT based) by offering a range of approaches, strategies and perspectives to aspects of primary teaching.
This new edition:
· Includes practical guidance for building resilience
· Explores the latest teaching approaches being trialled in schools
· Supports trainees to work with their in school mentor
· Includes new chapterss on professional identity and professional responsibilities
Part 1: Developing yourself as a teacher
Chapter 1 Becoming a reflective learner and teacher – Rebecca Geeson
Chapter 2 Teacher Identity – Rachael Paige
Chapter 3 Teacher Presence – Rachael Paige
Part 2: Approaches to teaching for learning
Chapter 4: Principles of teaching for learning – Sue Lambert
Chapter 5: Learning and Teaching Approaches – Sue Lambert, Ashley Compton, Andy Dickinson
Part 3: Fundamentals of classroom practice
Chapter 6: Planning for learning – Rebecca Geeson
Chapter 7: Assessment – Elizabeth Farrar
Chapter 8: Questioning to stimulate dialogue – John Paramore
Chapter 9: Behaviour – Steve Mc Nichol and Emma Clarke
Part 4: An inclusive learning environment
Chapter 10: Supporting children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities – Shaun Thompson
Chapter 11: Supporting learners with English as an Additional Language (EAL) – Ami Montgomery
Chapter 12: Supporting children in learning about difference – Richard Woolley
Part 5: Being a Teacher
Chapter 13: Professional Responsibilities – Sue Lambert
Chapter 14: Working with other Adults – Emma Clarke
Chapter 15: Well-being and Resilience for All – Sue Lambert
Chapter 16: A chapter for mentors – Adam Hounslow-Eyre
Despre autor
Becky Geeson is Course Leader for the Undergraduate Primary ITT programmes at Bishop Grosseteste, Lincoln. She taught for twelve years in primary schools, focusing in the main in KS2. She was a phase leader and an Advanced Skills Teacher in mathematics and art. Much of her AST outreach work was spent supporting NQT and more experienced teachers in developing their classroom practice. She completed her MA in Education focusing on the role of mentoring, and effective teaching approaches in teacher education. Her current doctoral studies have so far considered reflection in initial teacher education, and university-based and school-based routes into teaching. Further work will focus on the identification of potential in applicants to ITT programmes.