Anything But Hank! Rachel Lebowitz and Zachariah Wells combine the whimsical humour of Lewis Carroll with the adventure-narrative balladeering of Robert Service to spin an unforgettable tale of a baby – and a pig! – in search of a name. Their quest takes them from the city to the mountains, as they seek an audience with the Wizard and his baby-naming Mexican beaded lizard. The story, accompanied by the gorgeously lush paintings of Eric Orchard, is a delight for readers of all ages.
Despre autor
Rachel Lebowitz: Rachel Lebowitz is the author of Hannus, a creative biography about the remarkable life of her great grandmother Ida Hannus, which was shortlisted for the Roderick Haig-Brown Award (BC Book Prize) and for the Edna Staebler Award for Creative Non-Fiction. She has worked a variety of jobs in the educational field, with both children and adults.
Zachariah Wells: Zachariah Wells is the author of two collections of poetry (Unsettled and Track & Trace), as well as a collection of essays (
Career Limiting Moves). He is the editor of
Jailbreaks: 99 Canadian Sonnets.