Autor: Rachel Mulvey

Prof. Dr. Christiane Schiersmann, Heidelberg University, Germany Sif Einarsdóttir, Ph D, University of Iceland, Iceland Johannes Katsarov, Coordinator of NICE Network, Germany Jukka Lerkkanen, Ph D, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland Prof. Dr. Rachel Mulvey, Full Professor at University of East London, UK Jacques Pouyaud, Ph D, University of Bordeaux, France Prof. Dr. Kestutis Pukelis, University Kaunas, Lithuania Dr. Peter Weber, Heidelberg University, Germany

5 Ebooks de Rachel Mulvey

Christiane Schiersmann & Sif Einarsdottir: European Competence Standards for the Academic Training of Career Practitioners
The citizens of Europe are facing increasingly complex challenges to their career development nowadays. Over the span of their lifetime, they need to manage their careers, and make numerous decisions …
Judith Done & Rachel Mulvey: Brilliant Passing Psychometric Tests
Practice prepare and get ready to pass. Don’t let a psychometric test stop you getting the job you want. Packed with practice questions and practical Passing Psychometric Tests will help you lose the …
Judith Done & Rachel Mulvey: Brilliant Passing Psychometric Tests
Are you chasing a job that you really want, but need to get through a psychometric test to get hired? With the help of this book, you will learn exactly what the tests are like, why they matter, how …
Judith Done & Rachel Mulvey: Brilliant Graduate Career Handbook
The brand new 3rd edition of one of the UK’s bestselling graduate career guides that’s sold over 4, 100 copies. Providing essential, life-changing guidance to help students get started on their gradu …
Judith Done & Rachel Mulvey: Brilliant Graduate Career Handbook
The full text downloaded to your computer With e Books you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends e Books are downloaded …