Bidit Dey is Lecturer in Marketing at Brunel Business School, Brunel University, London. His research interests revolve around the adoption and use of technologies particularly in emerging economies. He has been actively involved in a number of training programmes and consultancy projects. He is a fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a member of both the British Academy of Management and the Academy of Marketing.
Karim Sorour is Senior Lecturer in Accounting and Financial Management and the Ph D programme leader at the Faculty of Business & Law, Northumbria University, UK. He has more than 13 years” experience in the fields of consultancy, research and executive training. His research interests include corporate governance, corporate social responsibility and management accounting with emphasis on developing countries. He is a member of the Risk, Responsibility, Ethics and Governance research Interest group at Newcastle business school and a certified member of the Institute of Management Accountants (USA). Karim is an editorial board member of the
Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences (JEAS) and
Cogent Business and Management Journal. Recently, he was elected as a steering committee member of the BAFA- Accounting & Finance in Emerging Economies (AFEE) research interest group.
Raffaele Filieri is Senior Lecturer in the Marketing Subject Group at Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University, UK. His main research interests include social media, e-word of mouth, technology adoption and continuance intention, online co-creation and innovation, and knowledge management. Raffaele has published over 40 articles in books, conferences and international peer reviewed journals such as
Journal of Business Research, Tourism Management, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Travel Research, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, and Journal of Business Strategy.
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2 Ebooks de Raffaele Filieri
Bidit Dey & Karim Sorour: ICTs in Developing Countries
ICTs in Developing Countries is a collection of conceptual and empirical works on the adoption and impacts of ICT use in developing societies. Bringing together a wide range of disciplines and contri …
Raffaele Filieri: Overcoming Knowledge Sharing Barriers through Communities of Practice
Managing knowledge for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of processes and for accelerating innovations is widely recognized as a major source of sustained competitive advantage. The growing …