Dr. Dušan V. Popović is a Professor of Competition Law, Intellectual Property Law and Internet Law at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law. He holds a Ph D degree from the University Paris-Nanterre, LLM degree from the University of Nancy and LLB degree from the University of Belgrade. He was a visiting professor at the University of Lyon III Jean Moulin (2018) and University of Skopje (2014-2016) and held a number of guest lectures at different European universities. He was visiting researcher at the University Panthéon-Assas (2019), Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition (2014, 2010), CEIPI – University of Strasbourg (2012, 2011, 2010) and University of Salzburg (2008). He served as a Jean Monnet Module Leader within the Erasmus+ project “Free trade agreements and European integration of SEE countries” (2017-2020). He publishes extensively in the field of EU and Serbian business law. He acts as co-editor of the „Springer” series „Balkan Yearbook of European and International Law“. He serves as a president of the Serbian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Institution. He is an active member of the Internet community, both globally (within ICANN) and locally (within RNIDS). He acted as counsel in arbitration under LCIA Arbitration Rules, Swiss Rules of International Arbitration and before ICSID. He acts as arbitrator under the Rules of the Permanent Court of Arbitration in Belgrade.
Rainer Kulms, Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, Hamburg, Germany
1 Ebooks de Rainer Kulms
Dušan V. Popović & Rainer Kulms: Repositioning Platforms in Digital Market Law
Online platforms and their ecosystems are the cornerstone of the digital economy. They have brought forth positive network effects. But they are also known for their information asymmetries, their po …