Robin Steele is the founder and lead pastor of Promise Land Church in San Marcos, TX. Over the last 16 years, they have gone from 30 people to a membership well over 2000. Promise Land is a multi-ethnic, multi-generational congregation that impacts people from all walks of life. He loves to teach, disciple, invest in pastors, hunt, fish, and ride his mountain bike (real fast) over crazy terrain!
In 2001, Robin and his wife, Erica, received the news that their newborn baby had a severe brain abnormality and would only live 6 months or so. Their daughter, Kennady, just turned 18 years old and continues to defeat the odds. She lives with many disabilities and requires 24 hour care. Robin speaks all over the world about the incredible life lessons they have learned along the way. They have two sons as well: Jude, and Avery. Follow their journey at:
4 Ebooks de Randy Phillips
Julie Lyles Carr: Raising an Original
Parents and those who work with children will find inspiration and practical tools for raising children based on each child’s unique gifts and talents. Includes a detailed Personality Trait Assessmen …
Robin Steele: How to Be Made Whole
Most people go their entire life longing to be whole, yet failing to find it. We want our life to mean something. We want to matter. The problem is that life is filled with episode after episode wher …
RT Phillips & Tim Phillips: Redeemed Bible Study Guide
God does not intend for us to fight our battles alone. Our battles do not disqualify us from his graceno matter what they are. The two CORE for Men studies Redeemed and Transformedeach feature five r …
RT Phillips & Tim Phillips: Transformed Bible Study Guide
God has redeemed you. Now he’s transforming you. Unlike redemption, we have to participate in our own spiritual transformation…but God doesn’t ask us to do it alone. The two CORE for Men studies Re …