Autor: Rebeca Puche-Navarro

Rebeca Puche-Navarro obtained her undergraduate degree at the Universidad Nacional of Colombia and then at the University of Geneva subsequently her D:E:A in the E.P.H.E in Paris and her Ph.D at the University of Geneva. This itinerary allowed her to have first-hand experience with the primary sources of the Genevan spirit. She was professor at the Universidad del Valle where she formed a team at the Psychology Cognition and Culture Research Center, where she tried to work with much of that Geneva legacy. She is an Emeritus Researcher of Colciencias. Her main area of research are related with humour development and scientific reasoning. ​ Julio César Ossa is a Senior Researcher by Colciencias. Professor-researcher at the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia. Member of the Rede Iberoamericana de Pesquisadores em História da Psicologia and the Grupo de Historia de la Psicología de la Sociedad Interamericana de Psicología and Member of the American Psychological Association (APA). Coordinator of the Developmental Psychology Node and member of the Editorial Committee of ASCOFAPSI. Professor Julio has been part of the Cognition and Representational Development Group for 20 years and has devoted much of his research to the study of early childhood and development.

1 Ebooks de Rebeca Puche-Navarro

Rebeca Puche-Navarro & Julio César Ossa: The Microgenetic Method
One of the arguments that explain the relevance of this book is the overwhelming lack of knowledge that the current literature throws on the Inhelderian microgenetic method. The place of this method …