Autor: Riccardo Mazzola

Raúl Márquez Porras (Ph.D.) is Associate Professor in Legal anthropology at the University of Barcelona and coordinator of the Research Group on Legal Anthropology (Catalan Institute of Anthropology). He published the monograph Construir la propriedad. Las formas y usos del derecho en una ocupación de Salvador de Bahía (2013). Among his publications on vindicatory justice: Asserting their justice. The Shuar vindicatory system and the development of indigenous justice (2018) and Vindicatory Justice and the State: Accounts from Yolngu and Shuar ethnographies (with Riccardo Mazzola) (2020). Riccardo Mazzola (Ph.D.) is a Researcher and Teaching Assistant in Legal philosophy and Sociology of law at the University of Milan and a former Visiting Researcher at the Australian National University. He published two monographs: Indigenous Intellectual Property: A Conceptual Analysis (2018) and Componere (2020), and the edited collection Vindicta (2019, with Paolo Di Lucia). Among his publications on vindicatory justice: Revenge and Law, Revenge as Law. Notes on the Anthropology of Vengeance (2017) and Terradas” Vindicatory Justice. An Attempt at Formalization (2021). Ignasi Terradas Saborit (Ph.D.) is Professor of Anthropology of law at the University of Barcelona. He published seven monographs, including the groundbreaking Justicia vindicatoria (2008) and La justicia más antigua (2019), and the edited collections Antropología jurídica (1999), Antropología jurídica de la responsabilidad (2011) and Anthropology of Law. Legal Studies and Social Anthropology on an Equal Footing (Revista de Antropología Social, 2015). Among his publications on vindicatory justice: La etnografía del procedimiento vindicatorio (2016) and Sir Wilfried Grigson (1896-1948) Juez y Etnólogo (2017). He is currently investigating vindicatory justice as a substratum or criptotype in criminal law and jurisprudence.

3 Ebooks de Riccardo Mazzola

Sydney Coleman & Riccardo Mazzola: Fat Injection
Presented by the editors and more than ninety renowned experts on structural fat grafting, this extensively updated volume comprises their state-of-the-art experience and techniques on the use of aut …
Raúl Márquez Porras & Riccardo Mazzola: Vindicatory Justice
This volume offers a new theoretical approach to the analysis of the law/revenge binary, and attempts to dismantle the common idea of revenge as lacking any legal, moral or rational dimension. In con …
Sydney Coleman & Riccardo Mazzola: Fat Injection
Presented by the editors and more than ninety renowned experts on structural fat grafting, this extensively updated volume comprises their state-of-the-art experience and techniques on the use of aut …