This volume covers the language situation in Ecuador, Mexico and Paraguay, explaining the linguistic diversity, the historical and political contexts and the current language situation, including language-in-education planning, the role of the media, the role of religion, and the roles of indigenous and non-indigenous languages. The authors are indigenous and/or have been participants in the language-planning context. This volume contains monographs on Ecuador, Mexico and Paraguay, which are not well represented in the recent international language policy and planning literature, and draws together the existing published research in this field. The purpose of the areal volumes in this series is to present up-to-date information on polities, particularly those that are not well known to researchers in the field, thereby providing descriptions of language planning and policy in countries around the world. The longer range purpose of collecting comparable information on the full range of polities is to facilitate the development of a richer theory to guide language policy and planning in polities that undertake the development of national and local language policy initiatives.
Series Overview
Language Policy and Planning in Ecuador, Mexico and Paraguay: Some Common Issues – Richard B. Baldauf Jr. and Robert B. Kaplan
Language Planning and Policy in Ecuador – Kendall A. King and Marleen Haboud
An Update – Marleen Haboud and Kendall A. King
Language Planning in Mexico – Roland Terborg, Laura García Landa and Pauline Moore
Language Planning and Policy in Paraguay – Shaw N. Gynan
An Update – Shaw N. Gynan
Biographical Notes on Contributors
Despre autor
Robert B. Kaplan is Emeritus Professor of Applied Linguistics at the University of Southern California. He has published numerous books and articles in refereed journals and written several special reports to government both in the US and elsewhere. He is the founding Editor-in-Chief of the Annual Review of Applied Linguistics and is a member of the editorial board of the 1st and 2nd editions of the Oxford International Encyclopedia of Linguistics (2002). Additionally, he edited the Oxford Handbook of Applied Linguistics. He has served as President of the National Association for Foreign Students Affairs, of TESOL, and of the American Association for Applied Linguistics.