To understand the dangers imposed upon the world by Allah, Muhammad, and the “angel of light, ” you must look at Islam through the eyes of Christianity.
Hal Lindsey, one of the true futurist preachers of our time, wrote in The Late Great Planet Earth that “there are only two sources of the supernatural: The God of the Bible (followed by Christians) and the god of this world (followed by Muslims) who is described as an ‘angel of light’” (2 Corinthians 11:14).
This is the angel that visited Muhammad and introduced Allah into the world. In the beginning, Muhammad thought he was possessed. He spent years convincing himself that he was not. Many, however, believe that what Muhammad suspected about demonic possession may be true.
It took a great deal of persuasion by Muhammad’s first wife, Khadija, to convince him that his encounter may have been divine as opposed to demonic in origin. She was instrumental in the birth of “the prophet” becoming a reality.
Discover the evil of Islam and how we know that the apparition that spoke to Muhammad was likely an evil spirit in The Puppet Master of Islam.
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Richard Bennett looks at things through a lens of logic to find understanding. He has examined and explained the beliefs and concepts of many Christian families on a range of topics. He believes the differences in belief among Christians is not a sign of weakness but rather one of strength. It shows that Christians aren’t willing to accept man-made theology they deem unjust. Instead, they are always striving to bring themselves closer to Christ through knowledge.