The Great Flood was the worst catastrophe to ever a ict the human
race; it nearly destroyed all life on Earth. It is an event that is
universally remembered in religion, mythology and cultural
lore world-wide, yet factual records and physical evidence of it
seem to be lacking. In fact, though, there are many records, but most are
written in the universal and timeless languages of mathematics and geometry,
which are to be found recorded in the stones of many of the most celebrated
ancient structures around the world. is has preserved the records, but it
has made them di cult to access and interpret. Afterall, they were written
by astronomers who saw in the heavens the catastrophe that was about to
befall the Earth. And they knew that only through mathematics and geometry
could they transmit their knowledge of this event to the generations that
they hoped and believed would follow them in the ages to come.
is is no idle curiosity concerning an event that occurred so long ago that
it is largely irrelevant to the present. e event that caused this world-wide
catastrophe will return one day with the same devastating results. And, as
before, all life on Earth will be at risk, with mass die-o s and the distinct
possibility that there may not be a recovery and all life will come to an end.
Here, then, is what they wrote.
Despre autor
RICHARD E. FORD is a graduate of the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, where
he learned celestial navigation and its practice, skills which are fundamental
to astronomical observations. His skills are well-suited to investigate celestial
phenomenon that may well be involved in the cause(s) of the Great Flood.