Rita Ehrig MSc. is expert in establishing value chains and market introduction measures for biomass based products. With 9 years professional experience including more than 6 years in bioenergy research and project management, she has vast knowledge in the field of biomass market and supply chain analyses, developing regional to international biomass resource concepts for various large market players and is in charge of the annual biomass statistics for Austria. She leads key tasks in and has coordinated several EU funded research and dissemination projects dealing with energetic and material use of biomass as well as techno-economic and environmental assessments of bioenergy supply chains. She is involved in the implementation of concrete projects for planning and set up of biomass conversion plants and their supply concepts.
Professor Frank Behrendt, born 1959, studied chemistry at RWTH Aachen and Heidelberg University. He received his Ph D in 1989 from Heidelberg University for his work on modelling of diffusion flames including detailed chemical reaction mechanism. Since 2001 he is Full Professor and Head of Chair for Energy Process Engineering and Conversion Technologies for Renewable Energies at the Berlin Institute of Technology (TU Berlin). His scientific work focuses on the experimental investigation of two-phase flows exemplified by the gasification of biomass in various types of reactors. These experiments are complemented by modelling and simulation efforts as well as their economical and ecological evaluation. In 2007 he became Speaker of the Innovation Centre Energy being responsible for the coordination of all energy-related research at Berlin Institute of Technology (TU Berlin). Frank Behrendt is member of the National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech) where he is the International Representative for the topics “Energy and Resources”. 2013 he was elected into the Board of the Council of Engineering Academies Technological Sciences and Engineering (CAETS) and is there a member of its Standing Committee on Energy.
Dipl.Ing. Manfred Wörgetter is expert with more than 30 years experience in the field of Agricultural Engineering Research and especial in the field of energetic and material use of biomass. Highly experienced in biogas technology, energetic biomass conversion combustion technology, flue gas cleaning technology, characterisation of biomasses, biomass-fuel and -residue logistics, development of business plans, lift-cycle analysis and feasibility studies with an extensive, wide spread network to industry, research institutions, stakeholders and governmental organisations. He is member of several scientific committees and regularly assigned for reviewing papers for scientific journals and conferences as well as for reviewing proposals for energy research projects.
Dr. Christoph Strasser is expert in the field of biomass combustion systems, solid biofuels production, biomass transport logistics, market analysis concerning biomass combustion technologies and solid biofuels, activities to promote the energetic use of biomass in Europe and training activities concerning biomass combustion technologies.
1 Ebooks de Rita Ehrig
Rita Ehrig & Frank Behrendt: Economics and Price Risks in International Pellet Supply Chains
The aim of this book is to investigate critical economic aspects and price risks along international pellet supply chains and to offer new insights into the interconnections between the sector, the v …