Xuetong Fan, Ph D, is a Research Food Technologist with the Food Safety Intervention Technologies Research Unit at USDA-ARS, Eastern Regional Research Center in Wyndmoor, PA.
Brendan A. Niemira, Ph D, is the Lead Scientist of the Produce safety Research Project in the Food Safety Intervention Technologies Research Unit at the USDA-ARS Eastern Regional Research Center in Wyndmoor, PA.
Christopher J. Doona, Ph D, serves as Research Chemist for the Food Safety and Defense Team (FSDT), Do D Combat Feeding Directorate, Natick Soldier RD&E Center in Massachusetts carrying out research relating to food stabilization methods, predictive microbial modeling ion foods, novel nonthermal food processing technologies such as high pressure, and controlled chemical heating.
Florence E. Feeherry serves as Research Microbiologist for FSDT, Do D Combat Feeding Directorate, NSC in Natick, MA.
Robert B. Gravani, Ph D, is a Professor of Food Science and Director of the National Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) program at Cornell University.
4 Ebooks de Robert B. Gravani
Xuetong Fan & Brendan A. Niemira: Microbial Safety of Fresh Produce
Microbial Safety of Fresh Produce covers all aspects of produce safety including pathogen ecology, agro-management, pre-harvest and post-harvest interventions, and adverse economic impacts of outbrea …
Norman G. Marriott & Robert B. Gravani: Sanificazione nell’industria alimentare
In un’epoca in cui sia l’opinione pubblica, sia la normativa assegnano un ruolo centrale all’igiene e alla sicurezza degli alimenti, tutte le industrie del settore alimentare – dalla trasformazione d …
Robert B. Gravani & Norman G. Marriott: Principles of Food Sanitation
In this era of emphasis on food safety and security, high-volume food processing and preparation operations have increased the need for improved sanitary practices from processing to consumption. Thi …
Robert B. Gravani & Norman G. Marriott: Principles of Food Sanitation
Now in its 6th Edition, this highly acclaimed textbook provides sanitation information needed to ensure hygienic practices and safe food for food industry personnel as well as students. It addresses …