In 2007, wanting to expand higher education’s civicengagement conversation, the Association of American Colleges and Universities launched the Core Commitments Initiative. Thatinitiative focused attention on personal and social responsibilityas outcomes of a college education, with the understanding thatsuch a focus would return American higher education to itshistorical purpose of preparing active and engaged citizens.Expanding the conversation this way leaves room for behavioralmeasures, like voting or hours spent in community service, but alsoopens our understanding of citizenship to include issues of civicidentity, civic attitudes, personal integrity, and ethics.
This volume explores the research and practice related to thedevelopment of personal and social responsibility in college, drawing data directly from institutions that were part of the Core Commitments Initiative and providing instructive examples of goodpractice at both the programmatic and institutional levels.
This volume is the 164th volume of the Jossey-Bass quarterlyreport series New Directions for Higher Education.Addressed to presidents, vice presidents, deans, and other highereducation decision makers on all kinds of campuses, itprovides timely information and authoritative advice about majorissues and administrative problems confronting everyinstitution.
Robert D. Reason
1. Overview of the Core Commitments Initiative 5
Caryn Mc Tighe Musil
The former vice president of the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) provides an overview of theinitiative intended to reinvigorate the conversation about personaland social responsibility within higher education.
2. Higher Education’s Role in Educating for Personal and Social Responsibility: A Review of Existing Literature 13
Robert D. Reason, Andrew J. Ryder, Chad Kee
This chapter reviews the literature related to the developmentof personal and social responsibility during college and serves asthe foundation for the remaining chapters.
3. Broadening Our Understanding and Assessment of Personal and Social Responsibility: A Challenge to Researchers and Practitioners23
Carol Trosset
In this chapter, Trosset uses current research to argue that ourunderstanding of personal and social responsibility should includebehavioral outcomes of personal responsibility, challengingresearchers and practitioners to move beyond the study of attitudesand civic engagement or community service.
4. Measuring Campus Climate for Personal and Social Responsibility 31
Andrew J. Ryder, Joshua J. Mitchell
The chapter explores the many issues involved with creating andassessing campus climates designed to facilitate students’development of personal and social responsibility and introducesthe Personal and Social Responsibility Inventory that developedfrom the Core Commitments Initiative.
5. Infusing Personal Responsibility into the Curriculum and Cocurriculum: Campus Examples 49
Nancy O’Neill
In this chapter, O’Neill uses data from the Personal and Social Responsibility Inventory and interviews with campusprofessionals at Core Commitments colleges to highlight policyinitiatives to improve students’ development of personalresponsibility during college.
6. Infusing Social Responsibility into the Curriculum and Cocurriculum: Campus Examples 73
Robert D. Reason
This chapter uses data from the Personal and Social Responsibility Inventory and interviews with campus professionalsat Core Commitment colleges to highlight several policy initiativesto improve students’ development of social responsibilityduring college.
7. Strengthening and Deepening Education for Personal and Social Responsibility 83
Chris R. Glass
Glass explores the strategies employed at Core Commitmentinstitutions to ensure the effectiveness and long-term viability ofinstitutional reform efforts aimed at the development of personaland social responsibility.
Despre autor
Robert D. Reason is an associate professor of student affairs and higher education at Iowa State University. He has written many journal articles and contributed chapters including such important texts as in Student Services: A Handbook for the Profession, 5th Edition.