There Is a Place You Can Go – That place is a New Earth free from sickness, crime, and war. The Earth is shifting to a higher vibration – from third density to fourth and fifth density. For you to survive on the New Earth you must also change your frequency to match that of the New Earth. Unless you make that change your body frequency will be incompatible with these new frequencies and you will have to leave. You have a choice, prepare to ascend or transfer to another third density planet.
Ascension is available for those who choose to move out of duality consciousness into Unity Consciousness. Dr. Pettit explains some of the requirements and preparations needed to ascend from the Old Earth.
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Robert E. Pettit, Ph D was an electrical engineer, taught electronic guidance systems for the U.S. Air Force and taught High School Sciences in Missouri. He was a University of Missouri Instructor for seven years, a Professor at Texas A&M University for twenty-six years in Plant Sciences and for eight years was Chairman of the Board for the Subtle Energy Research Corporation.