The Wiley-Interscience Paperback Series consists of selected books
that have been made more accessible to consumers in an effort to
increase global appeal and general circulation. With these new
unabridged softcover volumes, Wiley hopes to extend the lives of
these works by making them available to future generations of
statisticians, mathematicians, and scientists.
‘Survey Errors and Survey Costs is a well-written,
well-presented, and highly readable text that should be on every
error-conscious statistician’s bookshelf. Any courses that
cover the theory and design of surveys should certainly have Survey
Errors and Survey Costs on their reading lists.’
-Phil Edwards
MEL, Aston University Science Park, UK
Review in The Statistician, Vol. 40, No. 3, 1991
‘This volume is an extremely valuable contribution to survey
methodology. It has many virtues: First, it provides a framework in
which survey errors can be segregated by sources. Second, Groves
has skillfully synthesized existing knowledge, bringing together in
an easily accessible form empirical knowledge from a variety of
sources. Third, he has managed to integrate into a common framework
the contributions of several disciplines. For example, the work of
psychometricians and cognitive psychologists is made relevant to
the research of econometricians as well as the field experience of
sociologists. Finally, but not least, Groves has managed to present
all this in a style that is accessible to a wide variety of readers
ranging from survey specialists to policymakers.’
-Peter H. Rossi
University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Review in Journal of Official Statistics, January 1991
Despre autor
ROBERT M. GROVES, Ph D, is presently Program Director (Senior Research Scientist) in the Survey Research Center of the University of Michigan, where he also serves as Director in the Institute for Social Research and Professor of Sociology. He also holds a joint appointment as Research Professor at the University of Maryland.