Autor: Russell Green

C. Fred Bergsten, senior fellow and director emeritus, was the founding director of the Peterson Institute for International Economics (formerly the Institute for International Economics) from 1981 through 2012. He is serving his second term as a member of the President”s Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations and was co-chairman of the Private Sector Advisory Group to the United States–India Trade Policy Forum, comprising the trade ministers of those two countries, during 2007–14.Russell A. Green is the Will Clayton Fellow in International Economics at Rice University”s Baker Institute and an adjunct assistant professor in the economics department there. His current research focuses on exchange rate policies, financial market development in emerging-market economies, and India”s development challenges. Prior to joining the Baker Institute, Green spent four years in India as the US Treasury Department”s first financial attache to that country. He was previously the deputy director of the US Treasury”s Office of International Monetary Fund exchange rate policies and international reserve management.

2 Ebooks de Russell Green

C. Fred Bergsten & Russell Green: International Monetary Cooperation
In September 1985, emissaries of the world’s five leading industrial nations—the United States, Britain, France, Germany, and Japan—secretly gathered at the Plaza Hotel in New York City and unveiled …
Russell Green: Trauma of Making our Wedding
Why is making a wedding such a trauma? Well, it brings together two families that just because their children have found love/friendship and common ground, who is to say that the rest of the families …