Autor: S. N. Panda

Prasant Kumar Pattnaik, Ph D (Computer Science), Fellow IETE, Senior Member IEEE, is a Professor at the School of Computer Engineering, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, India. With more than a decade of teaching and research experience, Dr Pattnaik has published numerous papers in peer-reviewed international journals and conference proceedings. His areas of specialization are mobile computing, cloud computing, brain computer interface and privacy preservation. Raghvendra Kumar, Ph D, has been working as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, LNCT College, Jabalpur, India, and as a Ph D (Faculty of Engineering and Technology) at Jodhpur National University, Jodhpur, India. He completed his Master of Technology at KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, India, and his Bachelor of Technology at SRM University, Chennai, India. His research interests include graph theory, discrete mathematics, robotics, and cloud computing and algorithms. He also works asa reviewer, editorial and technical board member for many journals and conferences. He regularly publishes research papers in international journals and conference proceedings. Souvik Pal, Ph D, MCSI, MCSTA/ACM, USA; MIAENG, Hong Kong; MIRED, USA; MACEEE, New Delhi; MIACSIT, Singapore; MAASCIT, USA is currently working as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, JIS College of Engineering, Kalyani, India. Dr Pal received both his Masters Degree and Ph D from KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, India. He has published several research papers in peer-reviewed international journals and conference proceedings (SCOPUS, ESCI), and has authored a book on computer science in the field of Cloud Computing. Dr Pal also serves as an editorial and international advisory board member for many journals and conferences. His research areas include cloud computing, big data, the Internet of Things, and data analytics.  Surya Narayan Panda born in Jharsuguda, Odisha on 19 th August 1969.  He completed his B.Sc. (Hons) with First class Distinction from Laxmi Narayan College, Jharsuguda, then he pursued his M.Sc. from G.J.University, Hissar and Ph.D. (Computer Science) from Kurukshetra University, Haryana.  He joined as Lecturer in S.A.Jain (PG) College, Ambala.  In the year 2007 he joined as Professor and Principal Regional Institute of Management and Technology, Punjab and is presently working as Professor and Director Research, Chitkara University, Punjab.  He has more 25 years of Teaching/ Administration and Research experience.  Guided 7 Ph.D. Computer Science and 13 M.Phil Scholar. He is now working towards development of innovative technologies and product based on Internet of things and Cloud Computing. He is expertized in Cyber security, Networking, Advanced Computer Network, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. He has filed 8 patents, 55 Intenational publications in the relevant area and involved in Internet of things healthcare devices like Portable Intensive Care Unit,   Digital Laryngoscope etc. He has developed the prototype of Smart Portable Intensive Care Unit through which doctor can provide the immediate virtual  medical assistance to emergency cases in ambulance and  won prestigious   Millennium Alliance Award from FICCI in 2017  and seed funding for his project.  He is also working on a project „Cyber Technology Communication for Women Safety” which is funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. Of  India and another project “Remote Vital Information and Surveillance System for Elderlyand Disabled Persons “ which is again funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. Of  India. He has been bestowed with „Adroit Researcher Award” for the outstanding contribution in the field of Education and Research, during the „International Conference on „Interdisciplinary Research for Sustainable Development (IRSD-2016)” in NITTTR Chandigarh and COSMIC Outstanding Researcher Award from COSMIC Journal, Thailand. He is also proud recipient of Teacher”s Excellence Award from Chitkara University, Punjab INDIA. He received Certificate of Appreciation as Productive Member of International Reviewer Board, Informing Science, Vilnius, Lithuania (Europe) 2014 and Appreciation Award by ISI Florida, USA for excellent work as Member of International Board of Reviewer 2015. He represented Chitkara University in Ti ECON 2017, in Silicon Valley, California, USA.

1 Ebooks de S. N. Panda

Prasant Kumar Pattnaik & Raghvendra Kumar: IoT and Analytics for Agriculture
This book presents recent findings on virtually every aspect of wireless Io T and analytics for agriculture. It discusses Io T-based monitoring systems for analyzing the crop environment, and methods …