Ling Hao and Sally Brown: Introduction
Chapter 1. Qi Si, Tracey Hodges and Julianne Coleman: A Synthesis of How Multimodal Literacies Impact Emergent Bilingual Students’ Literacy and Cultural Identities
Part 1: Preschool
Chapter 2. Karen Wohlwend, Pengtong Qu, Jill Allison Scott and Carmen Liliana Medina: Multimodal Literacies at the Train Table: Supporting Young Emergent Bilinguals through Play
Chapter 3. Buyi Wang and Chunhua Dai: ‘Can I ‘Mai’ that ‘Bao’?’: An Emergent Bilingual’s Multimodal Meaning-Making Practice
Chapter 4. Colleen E. Whittingham and Emily Brown Hoffman: Multimodal Narrative Composition in Urban Preschool[ed] Places: What Counts as Narrative and Whose Narrative Counts?
Chapter 5. Ysaaca Axelrod, Lorraine Falchi and Marjorie Siegel: Learning from Emergent Bilinguals: Mobilizing Translanguaging and Multimodality to Reimagine School Literacy Curricular Spaces
Chapter 6. Xiaodi Zhou, Zhuo Li and Shih-Fen Yeh: Teaching English and Solar Terms through a Multimodal Approach to Young Chinese Children
Chapter 7. Cláudia Hilsdorf Rocha, Fernanda Coelho Liberali and Antonieta Heyden Megale: For a Politically Engaged and Socioculturally Just Language Education through Critical Multimodal Literacy in Brazilian Contexts
Part 2: Kindergarten
Chapter 8. Laura Schall-Leckrone: La Tortuga Está Tiptoeing: Multimodal Storytelling in a Bilingual Kindergarten
Chapter 9. Laura Ascenzi-Moreno, Cecilia M. Espinosa and Alison Lehner-Quam: Move, Play, Language: A Translanguaged Multimodal Approach to Literacies with Young Emergent Bilinguals
Chapter 10. Ruth Flores Bañuelos and Leslie C. Banes: ‘Being Bilingual is Cool’: Co-Constructing Bilingual Identities with Dual Language Kindergarteners
Part 3: Primary Grades
Chapter 11. Adriana Alvarez: Multimodality as a Pathway to Bilingual Learners’ Funds of Knowledge
Chapter 12. Heidi R. Bacon and Moneerah Al Jabr: Creative Creations: Self-Authoring Multimodal Stories
Chapter 13. Ted Kesler: Teaching a Picturebook Author Study to Support Narrative Composing Processes of Emergent Bilinguals
Chapter 14. Sara Hawley: A STEERS Model of Literacy to Tackle the Challenges of the Digital for Young Bilingual Learners
Chapter 15. Aijuan Cun and Mary B. Mc Vee: Listening to the Stories of Refugee Children from Burma: A Positioning and Multimodal study
Chapter 16. Vivian E. Presiado and Brittany L. Frieson: Black Girls’ Multimodal Manifestations: Exploring the Multimodal Flexibility of Black Language in a Dual Language Bilingual Education
Chapter 17. Ana Taboada Barber, Susan Lutz-Klauda, Mayra Cruz and Jerae Kelly: Theory of Mind: A Missing Piece in Understanding Emergent Bilinguals’ Comprehension of Multimodal Narrative Texts
Chapter 18. Marisa Ferraro and Kristin Bengtson Mendoza: Cultivating Language and Identity Through Multimodal Literacies: Back to the Story Board
Chapter 19. Sally Brown and Ling Hao: Legos: A Multimodal Approach to Storytelling for a Young African Emergent Bilingual
Part 4: Out-of-School Contexts
Chapter 20. Junyi Yang and Joshua Lawrence: Multimodal Literacies at Home: A Survey Study of Chinese-Norwegian Bilingual Children
Chapter 21. Kyungjin Hwang: How Young Emergent Bilinguals Rely on Multiple Modes to Make Meaning in Digital Multimodal Texts
Chapter 22. Min-Seok Choi: Emergent Bilingual Families’ Involvement Strategies for Scientific Sense-Making in a Science Museum: A Multimodal Interaction Analysis
Chapter 23. Sally Brown and Ling Hao: New Directions