This volume contains the proceedings of the third international conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence (PRe MI 2009) which was held at the Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India, during December 16–20, 2009. This was the third conference in the series. The first two conferences were held in December at the Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata in 2005 and 2007. PRe MI has become a premier conference in India presenting state-of-art research findings in the areas of machine intelligence and pattern recognition. The conference is also successful in encouraging academic and industrial interaction, and in prom- ing collaborative research and developmental activities in pattern recognition, – chine intelligence and other allied fields, involving scientists, engineers, professionals, researchers and students from India and abroad. The conference is scheduled to be held every alternate year making it an ideal platform for sharing views and expe- ences in these fields in a regular manner. The focus of PRe MI 2009 was soft-computing, machine learning, pattern recognition and their applications to diverse fields. As part of PRe MI 2009 we had two special workshops. One workshop focused on text mining. The other workshop show-cased industrial and developmental projects in the relevant areas. Premi 2009 attracted 221 submissions from different countries across the world.
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning.- New Approaches to Design and Control of Time Limited Search Algorithms.- Feature Selection Using Non Linear Feature Relation Index.- Classification of Multi-variate Varying Length Time Series Using Descriptive Statistical Features.- 2D-LPI: Two-Dimensional Locality Preserving Indexing.- A Geometric Algorithm for Learning Oblique Decision Trees.- Kernel Optimization Using a Generalized Eigenvalue Approach.- Zero Norm Least Squares Proximal SVR.- Effect of Subsampling Rate on Subbagging and Related Ensembles of Stable Classifiers.- Metric in Feature Space.- Speeding-Up the K-Means Clustering Method: A Prototype Based Approach.- Constructive Semi-Supervised Classification Algorithm and Its Implement in Data Mining.- Novel Deterministic Heuristics for Building Minimum Spanning Trees with Constrained Diameter.- Multi-objective Evolutionary Feature Selection.- A Fast Supervised Method of Feature Ranking and Selection for Pattern Classification.- Clustering in Concept Association Networks.- Soft Computing and Applications.- Interactive Rough-Granular Computing in Pattern Recognition.- Application of Neural Networks in Preform Design of Aluminium Upsetting Process Considering Different Interfacial Frictional Conditions.- Case Indexing Using PSO and ANN in Real Time Strategy Games.- Construction of Fuzzy Relation by Closure Systems.- Incorporating Fuzziness to CLARANS.- Development of a Neuro-fuzzy MR Image Segmentation Approach Using Fuzzy C-Means and Recurrent Neural Network.- Weak Fuzzy Equivalence and Equality Relations.- Estimation of Tailor-Welded Blank Parameters for Acceptable Tensile Behaviour Using ANN.- Bio and Chemo Informatics.- Identification of N-Glycosylation Sites with Sequence and Structural Features Employing Random Forests.- Identification of Defensins Employing Recurrence Quantification Analysis and Random Forest Classifiers.- Data Mining by Navigation – An Experience with Systems Biology.- A Least Squares Fitting-Based Modeling of Gene Regulatory Sub-networks.- Automated Identification of Protein Structural Features.- Using Supervised Learning and Comparing General and ANTI-HIV Drug Databases Using Chemoinformatics.- Multiple Sequence Alignment Based Upon Statistical Approach of Curve Fitting.- A Constraint Based Method for Optimization in Metabolic Pathways.- Cross-Correlation and Evolutionary Biclustering: Extracting Gene Interaction Sub-networks.- Text and Data Mining.- Learning Age and Gender of Blogger from Stylistic Variation.- Hypertext Classification Using Tensor Space Model and Rough Set Based Ensemble Classifier.- Feature and Opinion Mining for Customer Review Summarization.- A Semi-supervised Approach for Maximum Entropy Based Hindi Named Entity Recognition.- A News Analysis and Tracking System.- Anomaly Detection from Call Data Records.- Mining Calendar-Based Periodicities of Patterns in Temporal Data.- A Relation Mining and Visualization Framework for Automated Text Summarization.- Mining Local Association Rules from Temporal Data Set.- Multi-label Text Classification Approach for Sentence Level News Emotion Analysis.- Semantic Relation between Words with the Web as Information Source.- Automatic Keyphrase Extraction from Medical Documents.- Image Analysis.- An Approach for Preparing Groundtruth Data and Evaluating Visual Saliency Models.- Evaluation of Segmentation Techniques Using Region Size and Boundary Information.- Unsupervised Color Image Segmentation Using Compound Markov Random Field Model.- A New Statistical Restoration Method for Spatial Domain Images.- Prediction of Cloud for Weather Now-Casting Application Using Topology Adaptive Active Membrane.- Image Enhancement Using Multi-objective Genetic Algorithms.- A Robust Object Tracking Method Using Structural Similarity in Daubechies Complex Wavelet Domain.- A Novel Multimodality Image Fusion Method Using Region Consistency Rule.- Deriving Sparse Coefficients of Wavelet Pyramid Taking Clues from Hough Transform.- Improvised Filter Design for Depth Estimation from Single Monocular Images.- Color Image Segmentation Based on Vectorial Multiscale Diffusion with Inter-scale Linking.- Effective and Efficient Tracking and Ego-Motion Recovery for Mobile Cameras.- Class Specific Threshold Selection in Face Space Using Set Estimation Technique for RGB Color Components.- Human Action Recognition Based on Spatio-temporal Features.- A Novel Hybrid Pansharpening Method Using Contourlet Transform.- Document Image Processing.- Text Line Segmentation for Unconstrained Handwritten Document Images Using Neighborhood Connected Component Analysis.- Model-Guided Segmentation and Layout Labelling of Document Images Using a Hierarchical Conditional Random Field.- Recognition of Numeric Postal Codes from Multi-script Postal Address Blocks.- Foreground Text Extraction in Color Document Images for Enhanced Readability.- A Novel Approach to Skeletonization for Multi-font OCR Applications.- A Novel Approach for Detection of Alteration in Ball Pen Writings.- Resolving Ambiguities in Confused Online Tamil Characters with Post Processing Algorithms.- Watermarking and Steganography.- Hidden QIM Watermarking on Compressed Data Using Channel Coding and Lifting.- MRF Based LSB Steganalysis: A New Measure of Steganography Capacity.- Partial Encryption on SPIHT Compressed Images.- Evaluation of Feature Selection Measures for Steganalysis.- Biometrics.- Mutual Neighborhood Based Discriminant Projection for Face Recognition.- Biometric Gait Recognition with Carrying and Clothing Variants.- Context Switching Algorithm for Selective Multibiometric Fusion.- Biometric Based Unique Key Generation for Authentic Audio Watermarking.- Annular Iris Recognition Using SURF.- Face Recognition Using Posterior Distance Model Based Radial Basis Function Neural Networks.- Segmentation for Iris Localisation: A Novel Approach Suitable for Fake Iris Detection.- Image and Video Retrieval.- Key Independent Retrieval of Chaotic Encrypted Images.- A Bayesian Approach to Hybrid Image Retrieval.- Hierarchical System for Content Based Categorization and Orientation of Consumer Images.- Effective Visualization and Navigation in a Multimedia Document Collection Using Ontology.- Using Concept Recognition to Annotate a Video Collection.- Speech and Audio Processing.- Variational Bayes Adapted GMM Based Models for Audio Clip Classification.- Cross-Lingual Vocal Emotion Recognition in Five Native Languages of Assam Using Eigenvalue Decomposition.- Variable Length Teager Energy Based Mel Cepstral Features for Identification of Twins.- Unit Selection Using Linguistic, Prosodic and Spectral Distance for Developing Text-to-Speech System in Hindi.- Exploring Speech Features for Classifying Emotions along Valence Dimension.- Applications.- A Novel Time Decaying Approach to Obstacle Avoidance.- Chaotic Synchronization and Secure Communication Using Contraction Theory.- Fault Diagnosis of an Air-Conditioning System Using LS-SVM.- Classification of Power Quality Disturbances Using GA Based Optimal Feature Selection.- Constrained Control of Weakly Coupled Nonlinear Systems Using Neural Network.- A Network Coding and Genetic Algorithm Based Power Efficient Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks.- Towards Situation Awareness in Integrated Air Defence Using Clustering and Case Based Reasoning.- Algorithms to Automate Estimation of Time Codes for Captioning Digital Media.- Disclosing Patterns in IT Project Management – A Rough Set Perspective.- Comparison of GARCH, Neural Network and Support Vector Machine in Financial Time Series Prediction.- Mean-Entropy-Skewness Fuzzy Portfolio Selection by Credibility Theory Approach.- Late Blight Forecast Using Mobile Phone Based Agro Advisory System.- Evolutionary Computing.- Evolutionary and Iterative Crisp and Rough Clustering I: Theory.- Evolutionary and Iterative Crisp and Rough Clustering II: Experiments.