Autor: Schwiter Lutz Palenga-Möllenbeck and Karin Schwiter Karin Schwiter Schwiter Brigitte Aulenbacher

Karin Schwiter is Assistant Professor of Labour Geography at the University of Zurich in Switzerland. In 2016, her research group received the Swiss Award for Research on Education for their mixed-methods study on occupational gender segregation. In 2021, she co-edited the Handbook Feminist Geographies (with Budrich publishers, in German). Her research interests include feminist approaches to work and labour with a focus on care, migration and digitalization. Recent publications include: 2020, ‘Geographies of care work: The commodification of care, digital care futures and alternative caring visions’ in Geography Compass (with J. Steiner); 2021, ‘Who shapes migration in open labour markets? Analysing migration infrastructures and brokers of circularly migrating home care workers in Switzerland’ in Mobilities (with H. S. Chau); 2022, ‘Care crises and care fixes under Covid-19: the example of transnational live-in care work’ in Social & Cultural Geography (with S. Schilliger and J. Steiner).

2 Ebooks de Schwiter Lutz Palenga-Möllenbeck and Karin Schwiter Karin Schwiter Schwiter Brigitte Aulenbacher

Brigitte Aulenbacher & Helma Lutz: Home Care for Sale
The world of senior care provision and care work is changing rapidly. Across Europe, brokering agencies for live-in care workers have become powerful players in reshaping welfare systems, transnation …
Brigitte Aulenbacher & Helma Lutz: Home Care for Sale
The world of senior care provision and care work is changing rapidly. Across Europe, brokering agencies for live-in care workers have become powerful players in reshaping welfare systems, transnation …