We are most shaped by the things that we are ashamed of.
Ronald Butcher Blake is The Man when it comes to high school football in 1988. With the other heroes of the undefeated Mims High School Mustangs he is one of the elite. The untouchable. That is until he takes it upon himself, while showing off for his teammates, to assault and frighten a mentally disabled boy in the hallway at school. Letting the punishment fit the crime, the principal and his coach devise an ingenious way of teaching Butcher a lesson. He wont be suspended from school or kicked off the team, provided he agrees to one stipulation.
Butcher Blake will be the new bodyguard for the boy, Ethan Miles.
The rest of the Mustangs, however, dont like losing their partner in crime to some retard and they do all they can to make life even harder on Butcher and his new charge. Led by Derek Skyler and his personal Goon Squad, the remaining members of the team, and even Butchers girlfriend, launch an effort to wreck the new arrangement.
No longer elite and no longer untouchable, Butcher begins to see that there is more to life than just football. A realization that he fights every step of the way.
Picking On Retards is a novel about the hardest lessons we learn. The ones about ourselves.
Despre autor
Scott Carpenter, aka Boota, a natural born smart ass, lives in Kokomo, Indiana where he does the Lord’s work and grows progressively surlier every day. By municipal decree he has given up alcohol and now wreaks havoc on society while fully sober. He’s no nicer. Just sober. His wife Lisa, the only woman in the world who can put up with him, knows he is a complete asshole and yet has stayed married to him.
Picking On Retards is his second novel.
You can reach Scott at www.myspace.com/bigrudedick.