Chris Fregly es un arquitecto principal de soluciones para la IA generativa en Amazon Web Services y coautor de Data Science on AWS (O”Reilly).
Antje Barth es una desarrolladora principal de IA generativa en Amazon Web Services y coautora de
Data Science on AWS.
Shelbee Eigenbrode es una arquitecta principal de soluciones para la IA generativa en Amazon Web Services. Posee más de 35 patentes en varios dominios tecnológicos.
4 Ebooks de Shelbee Eigenbrode
Antje Barth & Shelbee Eigenbrode: Generative AI on AWS
Companies today are moving rapidly to integrate generative AI into their products and services. But there’s a great deal of hype (and misunderstanding) about the impact and promise of this technology …
Antje Barth & Shelbee Eigenbrode: Generative AI on AWS
Companies today are moving rapidly to integrate generative AI into their products and services. But there’s a great deal of hype (and misunderstanding) about the impact and promise of this technology …
Sireesha Muppala & Randy DeFauw: Amazon SageMaker Best Practices
Amazon Sage Maker is a fully managed AWS service that provides the ability to build, train, deploy, and monitor machine learning models. The book begins with a high-level overview of Amazon Sage Make …
Chris Fregly & Antje Barth: IA generativa en AWS
Las empresas de hoy en día avanzan rápidamente para integrar la inteligencia artificial generativa en sus productos y servicios. Hay mucha agitación (y también malentendidos) sobre el impacto y la pr …