The author has taken his previously written medical books and incorporated them into a single book, The Patients Guide to All Things Medical, which includes information on the following:
The Prevention of Medical Errors
The Complete Medical Examination: Medical History, Physical Exam, and Lab Data
Case Reports
Risk Factor Analysis and Health Screening
Summary and Patient Responsibility
Symptoms Never to Ignore
The Perfect Prescription
Hormones, Nerves, and Stress
Man the Barricades: The Story of the Immune System
How to Get Sick and Stay Sick
Medical Resources
Despre autor
A graduate of the University of Illinois College of Medicine, Sheldon Cohen has practiced internal medicine, served as a medical director of the Alexian Brother’s Medical Center in Northwest Suburban Chicago, and served as the medical director of two managed care organizations: Cigna Health plan of Illinois and Humanicare Plus of Illinois. The author taught internal medicine and physical diagnosis to medical students from Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine and the Chicago Medical School. Recognizing the fact that busy physicians are pressed for time and thus often fail to capture a thorough medical history, the author developed one of the first computerized medical history systems for private practice and wrote a paper on his experience with 1, 500 patients who utilized the system. This was one of the early efforts in promoting electronic health records, a work in progress to this day.
Serving as a consultant for Joint Commission Resources of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, the author did quality consultations at hospitals in the United States, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Copenhagen, Denmark, and served as a consultant to the Ministry of Health in Ukraine, assisting them in the development of a hospital accrediting body.