Autor: Simplicius Simplicius


12 Ebooks de Simplicius Simplicius

Simplicius: Simplicius: On Aristotle Categories 1-4
Simplicius” commentary on Aristotle”s Categories is the most comprehensive philosophical critique of the work ever written, representing 600 years of criticism. In his Categories, Aristotle …
Simplicius: Simplicius: On Aristotle On the Heavens 1.5-9
Aristotle argues in On the Heavens 1.5-7 that there can be no infinitely large body, and in 1.8-9 that there cannot be more than one physical world. As a corollary in 1.9, he infers that there is no …
Simplicius: Simplicius: On Aristotle On the Heavens 2.1-9
Aristotle believed that the outermost stars are carried round us on a transparent sphere. There are directions in the universe and a preferred direction of rotation. The sun moon and planets are …
Simplicius: Simplicius: On Aristotle On the Heavens 2.10-14
Aristotle believed that the outermost stars are carried round us on a transparent sphere. There are directions in the universe and a preferred direction of rotation. The sun, moon and planets are …
Simplicius: Simplicius: On Aristotle On the Heavens 1.10-12
In the three chapters of On the Heavens dealt with in this volume, Aristotle argues that the universe is ungenerated and indestructible. In Simplicius” commentary, translated here, we see a battle …
Simplicius: Simplicius: On Aristotle On the Heavens 3.1-7
The subject of Aristotle”s On the Heavens, Books 3-4, is the four elements of earth, air, fire and water, which exist below the heavens. Book 3, in chapters 1 to 7, frequently criticizes the …
Simplicius: Simplicius: On Aristotle On the Heavens 3.7-4.6
Commenting on the end of Aristotle”s On the Heavens Book 3, Simplicius examines Aristotle”s criticisms of Plato”s theory of elemental chemistry in the Timaeus. Plato makes the characteristics …
Simplicius: Simplicius: On Aristotle On the Heavens 1.2-3
One of the arguments in Aristotle”s On the Heavens propounds that the world neither came to be nor will perish. This volume contains the pagan Neoplatonist Simplicius of Cilicia”s commentary on …
Simplicius: Simplicius: On Aristotle On the Heavens 1.3-4
This is the first English translation of Simplicius” responses to Philoponus” Against Aristotle on the Eternity of the World. The commentary is published in two volumes: Ian Mueller”s previous …
Simplicius: Simplicius: On Aristotle Physics 1.3-4
In this volume Simplicius deals with Aristotle”s account of the Presocratics, and for many of them he is our chief or even sole authority. He quotes at length from Melissus, Parmenides and Zeno, …
Simplicius & Peter Lautner: Simplicius: On Aristotle Physics 3
Aristotle”s Physics Book 3 covers two subjects: the definition of change and the finitude of the universe. Change enters into the very definition of nature as an internal source of change. Change …
Simplicius: Simplicius: On Aristotle On the Heavens 1.1-4
In chapter 1 of On the Heavens Aristotle defines body, and then notoriously ruptures dynamics by introducing a fifth element, beyond Plato”s four, to explain the rotation of the heavens, which, …