Stephen F. Kaufman, Hanshi, 10th Dan, holder of the highest rank attainable in the martial arts, is an acknowledged „Founding Father” of American Karate. He is also the founder of the widely recognized Dojo No Hebi School of the Snake. The profound insights made apparent in his interpretation of Musashi”s
Book of Five Rings have been widely acclaimed and have been translated into many languages. Along with his interpretation of Sun Tsu”s
Art of War, this volume,
The Shogun”s Scroll, goes further for those who should seek to master their own lives.
5 Ebooks de Stephen F. Kaufman
Stephen F. Kaufman: Art of War
Sun Tzu’s The Art of War is still one of the world’s most influential treatises on strategic thought. Applicable everywhere from the boardroom to the bedroom, from the playing field to the battlefiel …
Stephen F. Kaufman: Musashi’s Book of Five Rings
This classic interpretation of Miyamoto Musashi’s famous Book of Five Rings is explicitly intended for the martial artist—as Miyamoto Musashi originally intended. It explains the underlying truths ne …
Stephen F. Kaufman: Shogun’s Scroll
The Shogun’s Scroll offers a look at the samurai strategies and ethics of medieval Japan distilled into language modern readers can relate to and follow. In the tradition of The Art of War and The Bo …
Stephen F. Kaufman: Way of the Modern Warrior
Learn how to apply bushido philosophy and long-standing samurai strategies to your modern-day practice — and lifestyle — in this guide from a former soldier and martial arts expert. A warrior is anyo …
Stephen F. Kaufman & Miyamoto Musashi: Le Livre des 5 roues : interprétation martiale
Le livre des Cinq Roues (Gorin-no-sho) est l’ouvrage de base du samouraï. Il fait partie avec le Hagakure et Le sabre de vie des grands Classiques de la chevalerie japonaise. Cette interprétation mar …