Autor: Steve Bassett

Steve Bassett was born, raised and educated in New Jersey, and although far removed during a career as a multiple award-winning journalist, he has always been proud of the sobriquet Jersey Guy. He has been legally blind for almost a decade but hasn”t let this slow him down. Polish on his mother”s side and Montenegrin on his father”s, with grandparents who spoke little or no English, his early outlook was ethnic and suspicious. As a natural iconoclast, he joined the dwindling number of itinerant newsmen roaming the countryside in search of, well just about everything. Sadly, their breed has vanished into the digital ether. Bassett”s targets were not selected simply by sticking pins in a map. There had to be a sense of the bizarre.First there was The Long Branch Daily Record on the New Jersey shore. Mobsters loved the place. It was one of their favorite watering holes. A mafia soldier was gunned down not far from the paper. Great fun for a cub reporter. Curiosity got the better of him with his next choice the Pekin Daily Times located in central Illinois. Now a respected newspaper, it had once been the official voice of the Ku Klux Klan during the 1920″s. Pekin had saved its bacon during the Depression by tacitly approving two time-honored money makers, prostitution and gambling, earning an eight-page spread in Life.Next it was the Salt Lake Tribune. The Pulitzer Prize winner was then, and still is, considered one of the best dailies west of the Rockies. Bassett”s coverage of the invective laden contract talks between the United Mine Workers and the three copper mining giants led to his recruitment by the Associated Press. Bassett”s series for the AP in Phoenix uncovered the widespread abuses inherent in the Government”s Barcero program for Mexican contract workers. The series exposed working and housing conditions that transformed workers into virtual slave laborers forced to buy at company stores, live in squalid housing and pay illegally collected unemployment taxes that went into the pocket of their bosses. The series led to Bassett”s promotion and transfer to the San Francisco bureau where as an Urban Affairs investigative reporter he covered the Black Panthers, anti-war protests, the radical takeover and closure of San Francisco State University, the deadly „People”s Park” demonstrations at U.C. Berkeley, and the Patty Hearst kidnapping by the Symbionese Liberation Army. Bassett”s five-part series on the Wah Ching gained national attention by exposing the Chinese youth gang as the violent instrument of Chinatown”s criminal bosses. Then came CBS television news in Los Angeles, where he rose through the ranks to become producer of KNXT”s Evening News, the highest rated late-night news program in the nation”s second-largest media market. After a four-year stint with KFMB-TV, the CBS station in San Diego, he returned to Los Angeles as the Executive Producer of Metromedia”s KNXT”s award-winning news program, Metro News. AWARDS: •Three Emmy Awards for his investigative documentaries.•The prestigious Medallion Award presented by the California Bar Association for „Distinguished Reporting on the Administration of Justice.” •Honored by the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences as Executive Producer for Metro News, the top independent news program in 1979. Bassett currently resides in Placitas, New Mexico with his wife Darlene Chandler Bassett. Contact Steve on his website:

17 Ebooks de Steve Bassett

Steve Bassett: Golden Ghetto: How the Americans and French Fell In and Out of Love During the Cold War
Considering the suspicions, jealousies, bigotry and greed inherent when a foreign power occupies another Golden Ghetto: How the Americans and French Fell In and Out of Love during the Cold War tells …
Steve Bassett: Father Divine’s Bikes
FATHER DIVINE’S BIKES exposes the dark underbelly of 1945 Newark, New Jersey; a city that boomed during World War II but finds itself unable to cope with the peace that brings joblessness, despair an …
Steve Bassett: Payback – Tales of Love, Hate and Revenge
Payback – Tales of Love, Hate and Revenge, the second book of the Passaic River Trilogy, is a drama so intense that it would be improbable anywhere but 1946 Newark. Across the country millions were d …
Steve Bassett: La Revancha
Esta novela es el segundo libro de la Trilogía del Río Passaic, es un drama tan intenso que sería improbable en cualquier lugar que no fuera el Newark de 1946. En todo el país, millones de personas s …
Steve Bassett: Las Bicicletas Del Padre Divino
Las bicicletas del padre Divino por Steve Bassett Una guerra de mafias, tres asesinatos, un repartidor de periódicos con pistola y el fraude de los números puntúan la trágica historia de dos monaguil …
Steve Bassett: Payback
In Payback – Über Liebe, Hass und Rache, geht es um ein Geflecht aus Ehebruch, dreifachem Mord, einem rachsüchtigen Geisteskranken, skrupellosen Polizisten und Politikern. Der zweite Band der Passaic …
Steve Bassett: French Kiss
FRENCH KISS is a one-of-a-kind look at the Cold War. It has it all: laughter, bizarre behavior by high-ranking Air Force officers, black market, sex, love and tears, and most of all how mutual accept …
Steve Bassett: Revanche
Descrição do Livro: Adultério, três assassinatos, um louco vingador, polícias e políticos desonestos entrelaçam-se neste thriller noir que define a corrupção urbana. Este romance é o segundo livro da …
Steve Bassett: El beso francés
En 1951, Francia estaba lejos de la recuperación de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y con la caída de los nazis, estaba a punto de comenzar una nueva ocupación militar totalmente diferente. Con los Estados …
Steve Bassett: Payback
Adulterio, tre omicidi, un pazzo guidato dalla vendetta, poliziotti canaglia e politici si intrecciano in questo thriller noir che definisce la corruzione urbana. La traduzione spagnola di questo sec …
Steve Bassett: Fransiz öpücüğü
Soğuk Savaş’ın yankıları ve Ukrayna’da ortaya çıkan ve küresel olarak yayılan taktik nükleer silah tehdidi ile kitabım, geçmişin bir ön söz olduğunu kanıtlıyor. Örnek metin, 1956 yılında Sovyetlerin …
Steve Bassett: Les vélos du Père Divin
Dans ce premier livre de la trilogie de la rivière Passaic qui se déroule en 1945, une guerre de diffusion entre les deux journaux de Newark tourne au sang lorsque les foules concurrentes de la ville …
Steve Bassett: RITORSIONE – Racconti di Amore, Odio e Vendetta
Fascisti americani amanti dei nazisti, un pazzo assetato di vendetta perseguitato da cio che aveva visto a Dachau, tre omicidi e poliziotti fuori dagli schemi si intrecciano in questo thriller noir.R …
Steve Bassett: Le Chatiment
Des fascistes americains amateurs de nazis, un fou anime par la vengeance et hante par ce qu’il a vu a Dachau, trois meurtres et des flics vereux s’entremelent dans ce thriller noir.LE CHTIMENT – HIS …
Steve Bassett: Franzosischer Kuss
Die Geschichte von Chateauroux ist gepragt von den unausloschlichen Spuren der amerikanischen Prasenz. Als die ersten Piloten der amerikanischen Armee 1917, kurz vor dem Ende des Ersten Weltkriegs, z …
Steve Bassett: Love In The Shadows
‘LOVE In the Shadows, ‘ the final book of the Passaic River Trilogy , takes the reader from 1947 Newark through the dark shadows where mindless brutes of all classes preyed on the helpless. Women wer …