The Holy Spirit is the Hidden Mover behind all personal life transformation and ministry fruitfulness.
Since the original publication of Spirit Walk, author Steve Smith has gone home to meet
the Lord face-to-face. However, before that glorious day, he penned an impassioned plea
to believers in the last days of his life. That plea and piece of instruction is what comprises
the new foreword in this special edition of Spirit Walk. Read and be both challenged and
invited to a life lived in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Though we know the Bible says to walk in the Spirit, the majority of Christians are illiterate
(and even nervous) about how to practically live in His power. The result is lives marred by
continued brokenness and ministries plagued by fruitlessness. In contrast, believers from Acts
understood the ancient path of the Spirit Walk. That extraordinary power was not just for them,
but also for us.
Gleaning insights from implementation in dozens of Acts-like movements around the
world, Spirit Walk “lifts the hood and shows us the real secret behind apostolic, disciple multiplying movements” (Neil Cole, author of Organic Church). Whether you need a
movement of God in your personal life or in your ministry, this book takes you through the
timeless principles of the Bible.
The Spirit Walk path has helped thousands of ordinary people shift from a fundamental
reliance upon methods and self-helps to the essential reliance upon the Spirit who empowers
both. Discover how to start on your lifelong journey of being filled again and again by the Holy Spirit as you abide in Christ.
Foreword: First Things First
Preface: Set Sail with the Spirit
Chapter 1 Predictable Steps for an Unpredictable Path
Chapter 2 Spirit Walk
Chapter 3 S.W.A.P. Your Control for God’s
Chapter 4 S.W.A.P. – Surrender to His Will and Word
Chapter 5 S.W.A.P. – Wait on God in Prayer (Part 1)
Interlude The Story Line of History
Chapter 6 S.W.A.P. – Wait on God in Prayer (Part 2)
Chapter 7 S.W.A.P. – Avoid Sin and Let God Root Out All Unrighteousness
Chapter 8 S.W.A.P. – Pursue the Promptings of the Spirit Conclusion
Appendix 1 Format for a SWAPmeet: Multi-Day, Daily, Hourly
Appendix 2 Format for a Corporate Surrender Meeting
Appendix 3 Accountability Questions from the Wesleyan Movement
Appendix 4 Prayers God Delights In—Sample Prayers
前言:与圣灵一起扬帆起航/ I
引言/ Ⅸ
看不见的原动力/ XI
不再想当然地假定/ XII
让灵里行走成为标准操作程序/ XVI
明确未来的道路:顺瓦普(SWAP) / XVII
摆正生命的姿态,去领受从神而来的恩典/ XX
对所有人的呼吁/ XXIV
思考题/ XXVI
第一章:未知前路中的可知步骤/ 001
使徒行传的转折点/ 005
史上每一次大觉醒的转折点/ 009
消除担忧/ 012
你内心兴起神的运动及通过你兴起神的运动的关键/ 014
圣灵住在你里面,但祂住得充充满满吗? / 017
思考题/ 022
第二章:灵里行走/ 023
充满什么?被谁充满? / 023
被圣灵充满到底意味着什么? / 026
住在基督里/ 027
被圣灵充满/ 029
让基督的道丰丰富富地住在你里面/ 031
与圣灵同步而行/ 035
结出果子变得易如反掌/ 039
跳舞/ 042
思考题/ 044
第三章:把你的控制权交给神/ 045
婚姻:圣灵与人的关系在尘世间最贴切的写照/ 045
把对自己的控制权交给神/ 050
顺瓦普灵修之道的两种应用/ 052
让我们开始灵里行走之旅吧/ 052
思考题/ 055
第四章:顺服神的旨意,遵从神的道/ 057
构建一个合适的架构/ 057
顺瓦普架构中的四条命令/ 062
顺服,而不是委身/ 064
顺服祂的旨意/ 074
思考题/ 087
第五章:在祷告中等候神(第1 部分) / 089
耶稣的明确命令:等候/ 090
等候——你必须被动工/ 096
在祷告中等候/ 098
思考题/ 121
插曲:历史的故事主线/ 122
不要忘记故事主线/ 125
历史的目的/ 127
催促神的日子/ 136
赶快来扮演自己的角色吧! / 139
思考题/ 143
第六章:在祷告中等候神(第2 部分) / 145
四十天时间长访——深度做工/ 146
甜蜜的蜜月/ 152
频繁短访——保持圣灵充满/ 155
静修时间的目标/ 159
与神约会/ 163
主动等候/ 167
安排一次顺瓦普聚会/ 168
思考题/ 170
第七章:避免犯罪,让神清除一切的不义/ 171
圣灵是一个会苦恼或伤心的人/ 173
以弗所书背景:先清除不义,然后充满圣灵/ 177
揭露罪并接受宽恕/ 196
忏悔是赐予生命的力量/ 211
思考题/ 229
第八章:追求圣灵的启示/ 231
圣灵之问/ 232
灵里行走/ 238
灵里行走的圣经方程式/ 243
当祂充满你时,祂会对你说话/ 254
为了保持圣灵充满,一定要持之以恒对圣灵说“是” / 268
最常见的圣灵启示/ 271
最常见的结果:圣灵的果子/ 277
邀请函/ 281
思考题/ 285
结论/ 287
回到看不见的原动力/ 288
与饥渴慕义的朋友一起踏上这条勇敢者的旅程/ 290
附录1:顺瓦普聚会的格式:多天、每天、每小时/ 297
顺瓦普聚会多日工作表/ 298
每日顺瓦普灵修/ 308
每小时顺瓦普灵修/ 310
附录2:团体顺服聚会的形式/ 313
时限:至少两天/ 313
目标:遇到神并回应祂/ 314
预备/ 314
形式:崇拜,经文,反应,灵活时间/ 315
附录3:卫斯理运动问责问题/ 323
附录4:蒙神喜悦的祷告样板/ 327
附录5:父的救援车/ 333
出版社推荐语/ 339
Despre autor
Steve Smith (March 11, 1962–March 13, 2019) served overseas with the International Mission Board (SBC) for eighteen years, helping initiate a Church Planting Movement (CPM) among an unreached people group in East Asia, and then coached, trained, and led others to do the same throughout the world. Upon his retirement from IMB in 2016 until his death, Steve served simultaneously as the Vice President of Multiplication for East-West Ministries, as a Global Movement Catalyst for Beyond, and as a co-leader of the 24:14 Coalition.史蒂夫·史密斯(1962年3月11日至2019年3月13日)在国际宣教委员会(美南浸信会)任职18年,协助在东亚的未得之民中发起了一个教会植堂运动(CPM),然后指导、培训和带领他人在全世界开展同样的事工。从2016年他从国际宣教委员会退休后直至去世,史蒂夫同时担任东西方事工的副总裁、Beyond的全球运动催生者以及24:14联盟的共同领导。