As technology advances, practicing or training otolaryngologists register in educational courses to refresh their surgical skills and stay abreast of these changes. While information is becoming available in several journals, there is a definite need for a single surgical atlas-like book that contains precise descriptions of the surgical techniques used in rhinology and sleep apnea surgery. Each chapter was written by surgeons with extensive experience in each topic who have already published on the specific procedure described. Each chapter contains diagrammatic or illustrative descriptions of surgical techniques and provides tips and pearls of wisdom to avoid complications when the procedures are performed. This comprehensive work of surgical information serves as a valuable resource for otolaryngologists in training to augment their surgical education and for practicing otolaryngologists as a review source to best approach the surgical pathologies they encounter in their practice of rhinology and treatment of sleep apnea.
Sinus.- Radiologic Anatomy of the Paranasal Sinuses.- Surgical Anatomy of the Paranasal Sinuses.- Frontal Sinus Instrumentation.- Injection and Anesthetic Techniques.- Septal and Turbinate Surgery.- Endoscopic Middle Meatal Antrostomy and Ethmoidectomy.- Surgical Approaches to the Sphenoid Sinus.- Endonasal Micro-endoscopic Frontal Sinus Surgery.- Endoscopic Modified Lothrop Procedure.- Surgery for Hyperplastic Rhinosinusitis and Nasal Polyposis.- Allergic Fungal Rhinosinusitis — Surgical Management.- Endoscopic Medial Maxillectomy.- Endoscopic Management of Benign Sinonasal Tumors.- Repair of Anterior Skull Base Defects and CSF Leaks.- The Management of Frontal Sinus Fractures.- Paranasal Sinus Mucoceles.- Endonasal Endoscopic Dacryocystorhinostomy.- Endoscopic Transsphenoidal Hypophysectomy.- Image-Guided Sinus Surgery.- Revision Sinus Surgery.- Pediatric Sinus Surgery.- External Approaches of the Paranasal Sinuses.- Combined Open and Endoscopic Techniques: “Above-and-Below” Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery.- Endoscopic Transseptal Frontal Sinusotomy.- Functional Endoscopic Dilatation of the Sinuses: Patient Selection and Surgical Technique.- Sleep area.- ENT Evaluation of the Sleep Disordered Breathing Patient.- Palatal and Pharyngeal Anatomy in Snorers and Apnea Patients.- Risks of General Anesthesia in People With Obstructive Sleep Apnea.- Surgery Algorithms for Obstructive Sleep Apnea.- Nasal Obstruction and Its Medical and Surgical Management in Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders.- Radiofrequency of the Palate.- Uvulopalatal Flap.- Palatal Implants for Obstructive Sleep Apnea.- Injection Snoreplasty.- Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty.- Z-palatoplasty.- Transpalatal Advancement Pharyngoplasty.- Tongue-Base Suspension.- Hyoid Suspension.- Genioplasty (Genoid Advancement) for Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome.- Maxillomandibular Advancement in Sleep Apnea Surgery.- Maxillomandibular Widening in Sleep Apnea Surgery.- Surgical Treatment of Children with Obstructive Sleep Apnea.- Complications of Palatal Approaches.- Reasons for Failure in Surgery of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome.- Sedated Endoscopy and Management of Palatal Surgery Failure.- Permanent Tracheostomy as Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea.- Current and Future Trends in the Surgical Management of Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders.