Never Mind the Rules is your alternative to the barrage of cookie-cutter self-help relationship books geared towards a set of rules that are intended to work for ‘everyone.’ This is a frank, honest, sexy and racy dating guide that helps you write YOUR own rules by getting REAL with yourself. It is written with a unique rock n’ roll angle that music fans can enjoy.
While doing the research for Never Mind the Rules, we interviewed reputable therapists, rock star chicks, housewives, journalists, polyamorous couples, swingers, and best selling author Neil Straus (who wrote the controversial book The Game) who turned out to be a huge inspiration; and lastly even men we dated (gay & straight)!
We reveal personal dating horror stories, successful dating stories, wild and romantic anecdotes, and the world of sexual fetishes. We hope you will laugh and cry with us like we do when we watch Sex & The City, Girls, or Girlfriends’ Guide to Divorce.
We navigate dating in a tech-centric world including: online dating, social networking, and texting. We provide a step-by-step guide for you to create your perfect online profile. You will learn how to create your own vision board and write a successful business plan for love. Included are a variety of quizzes and mantras to help you. Our aim is to make you feel as though you are part of a non-judgmental secret girls “club” of sorts, just like you have with your own personal BFFs.
Introduction – Susan & Lina – Joining Forces
1. The Rebel Factor – Why You Need to Break Every Rule!
2. Great Rock n’ Roll Romances – That Crazy Little Thing Called Love
3. Kick Out the Jams – Playing to the Beat of Your Drum
4. Groove Is in the Heart – What Kind of a Girl Are You?
5. Soul Kitchen – Ingredients for Tasty & Satisfying Relationships
6. Taking Care of Business – Creating Your Five-Year Plan
7. OK Computer – Marketing & Fine-tuning Your Online Dating Profiles
8. The Social Network – Facebook, Twitter & Texting
9. The Games – Finding Harmony Means Playing Fair
10. Private Eyes – Background Check First, Please!
11. Are Friends Electric? – The Longest Lasting Spark of All
12. Why the Classics Rock – From Courtship to Phone Calls, Going Old School Is Cool
13. I Want Your Sex – When to Pull the Temptress Trigger
14. Hollaback Girls – Competition and Making “Those” Girls, “Your” Girls
15. Eat to the Beat – Wining & Dining Your Date
16. The Secret Language of Boys – Decoding Dude Speak
17. Red Flags and Louboutins – Running away from Dead-End Boys
18. So What? You’re Still a Rockstar – Surviving Your Break-up
19. The Recovery – Twelve Steps to Healing Your Heart
20. The Heavy Stuff – Getting Serious About Real Love
21. Family Affair – Marriage & Children
22. The End…. My Beautiful Friend – … Is Just the Beginning!
About the Authors- Susan Hyatt & Lina Lecaro
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Lina Lecaro is a published author, journalist, photographer, and web radio personality based in Los Angeles, California. She has been likened to an LA version of both the Candace Bushnell Sex and the City writer/character Carrie Bradshaw and The Village Voice’s sassy scribe Michael Musto.In 2013, Lina’s long-term marriage to her high school sweetheart ended. Thrust into the exciting yet intimidating new world of dating as a single mom, Lina joined Susan Hyatt to co-write Never Mind the Rules as a woman’s how-to-guide, a guide she herself wished existed. She’s been ‘drinking her own Kool-Aid, ‘ testing Never Mind the Rules’ techniques and principles on a daily basis. Essentially ‘living’ the book, as she and Hyatt wrote it and adapting her advice based on what worked and didn’t work for her. Even after encountering some less than honorable fellows during this process, she remains a passionate advocate of men, romance and relationships. She hopes to pass along this faithful optimism to her daughter as she grows up. Lina has interviewed an impressive array of rockstars and celebs such as Jimmy Page, Keith Richards, Courtney Love, Gene Simmons, Adam Lambert, Marilyn Manson, Johnny Rotten, Siouxsie Sioux, Shirley Manson and many more. While her work on Never Mind the Rules marked a new, more personal direction for her subject matter-wise, music and its significance to her life and all our lives will always be front and center.