“Back to Basics Harvest”:161 recipes creating chutneys, jams, vinaigrettes, sauces and jellies, just the way your grandmother used to, in the days when all good food was created in the home kitchen.
Suzanne Massee is passionate about home-grown and home-produced foods; her home-produced preserves have been sold throughout New Zealand.
Suzanne’s restaurant was winner of the 2003 Wine and Food Challenge Award for Nelson-Marlborough – West Coast Region.
The author says “My passion is the study of natural products – I love to teach others about what is around us all. It’s time for me to share these wonderful recipes; instead of just keeping them on the computer, it has come time to put them all on paper. Let me teach you, your children and grandchildren the art of preserving, so that you can know what you are consuming is full of goodness and wholeness.”
This book is the outcome of years spent accumulating recipes, in a format that makes the it easier to make the most of the season’s harvests.
Please note: This EBook publication does not have pictures within its contents due to the long running script.
For full picture format go to print on demand.
I have accumulated years of recipes and knowledge that I want to see passed on to our children and children’s children before all this knowledge is lost.
Daily we watch the global advance of commercial packet foods and fast food outlets and engineered foods as they encroach into our daily life, our health system and finally into our planet Earth.
With home preserving you can create your food just the way you like it: you are in control.
Preserving is not difficult, and what could be more satisfying than know ing that what you are consuming is preservative-, additive-, colour-, rancid fat-, over-salt-, emulsifier-, genetic engineering- and spray-free. Wow! I know my choice.
Fruit can be picked locally and you have the choice of what you harvest.
I always remember visiting my grand mum, and the wonderful aromas and tastes in her kitchen; adoring the wonderful dill pickles straight from the barrel. My only downfall was not understanding Polish and as a child not being able to say ‘No!’ – so there was a many an overdose of pickles!
I have always had a naturally ability to savour the flavours in recipes and know if ingredients are missing in the mix, before it has even been put into the pot: wonderful gift when you are in the food industry.
Let your imagination harvest wonderful delights.
Food is an enjoyable basis for interaction when shared with friends; it’s good to share knowledge about what is grown and produced in our country.
I have created this ‘Back to Basics Harvest’ book in steps for ease of use and to show you when to add ingredients throughout the cooking process.
I am often asked about the difference between chutney and relish. Relishes originated from India and resemble chutney, but they are more highly-spiced and can be made into a sweet and sour puree made from sweet and sour vegetables with the addition of pickled onions and gherkins. Chutneys date back to the British colonial era and are similar to the relish, but have more recognisable pieces of fruit and vegetables. Piccalilli is an English pickle consisting of small florets of vegetables preserved in a spicy mustard and vinegar sauce. Recently added to the preserve list is onion jam or onion marmalade. This is a trendy new twist to the humble chutney. Chutneys, relishes and piccalilli are all enjoyed and add value to cold meats, vegetables, cheese spreads, and sandwiches … the list is endless. Chutneys are a wonderful casserole-enhancer. Just add up to half a jar of chutney to a casserole with your favourite meat and vegetables and bake, or add to a stew when cooking.
Despre autor
My passion is my love of natural products – and teaching others about what is around us all. This brought about my first book ‘Back to Basics’ and now this follow-up, ‘Back to Basics Harvest’ These books came about from my experience while in the restaurant business, and with the arrange of preserves which were made and sold throughout New Zealand.
I was just an ordinary person, living a normal existence … or so I thought … until I had a near-death experience in a head-on car collision, after the opposing driver fell asleep. This accident catapulted me onto an incredible journey. Through all this, I found my way onto the solid road of the inner spirit; one’s very own path to understanding and opening to one’s inner¬ consciousness. I delight in teaching others ‘to harvest the self’: that a correct relationship with oneself is of primary importance. From this can flow correct relationships with others and trust in the divine source. Further readings on who we really are available ‘Clarity’ ‘Adam and Eve Becoming’ and ‘Amplify Thoughts’