Why does the earth exist? What is the purpose of human life?
These are two of life’s most fundamental questions – and they are addressed by the Bible’s remarkably unified story, which centres on a unique deity.
Desmond Alexander explores this story by beginning at the end, in the final chapters of the book of Revelation. Anticipating the creation of a new earth and a new heaven, these chapters bring to fulfilment a process that began with the creation of the earth, as described in the opening chapters of Genesis. These passages frame the entire biblical ‘meta-story’.
This stimulating study outlines some of the central themes that run through the Bible, with broad brush strokes designed to show the general shape of the meta-story. Seeing the big picture enables us to appreciate the details more clearly; and since the themes were an integral part of the thought-world of the biblical authors, an appreciation of them may alter significantly our reading of individual books.
Good theology always has pastoral implications, and the study occasionally moves into areas of application – the truths revealed are extremely important for shaping our life-style choices.
Despre autor
T. Desmond Alexander is senior lecturer in Biblical Studies and director of Postgraduate Studies at Union Theological College, Belfast. For ten years, he had been director of Christian Training for the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. Previous to that position, he lectured for 18 years in Semitic Studies at the Queen’s University of Belfast. He is the author of From Paradise to the Promised Land: An Introduction to the Main Themes of the Pentateuch and coeditor of Heaven on Earth. He is also the coeditor of New Dictionary of Biblical Theology and Dictionary of the Old Testament: Pentateuch.