‘Vigor; nerve, pluck. Spirit and courage. Force of character. Attitude.’
Moxie is the secret sauce that juices things up. It can be subtle or overt,
but either way it lets you know who you are and allows you to live out loud with spirit and no regrets.
These authors have shared a diversity of gritty real-life stories from hormonal nightmares, devastating breakups, bullying, illness, accidents, depression and more, yet they have all chosen to move through adversity into triumph.
They now pilot planes, belly dance and burlesque, jump into marathons and onto their Harleys … and range from thin to curvy, vegans to meat-eaters, moms to singles, big business to retired, and from quiet to outrageous.
There is something to inspire every woman in this book Wherever you’re at right now, these stories will inspire you to push the upper limits of your comfort zone and take the next step into a higher level of joy, wellness, purpose, and passion.
Introduction: Christine Awram XI
Living My Bold, Audacious Life: Lorna Ketler 1
Cross That Finish Line and Liberate Your Inner Champion: Gail Thevarge 13
Claiming My Truths – Moxie, Mayhem, and Magic: Ange Frymire 25
Turning My Curse Into My Blessing: Jennifer Desloges 39
Finding the Humour in Aging: Terry Jackson 53
My Screaming Hormones: Helen Horwat 67
Live Young as Old as Possible: Marlies White 81
Disconnected Motherhood CAN Be Reversed: Michelle Berezan 95
The Best is Yet to Come: Kristy Henkes-Joe 109
Just Say Yes!: Amy Hadikin 123
Pause. Breathe. Shift.: Tammy Scarlett 135
Change – It’s What We Do: Jocelyn Johnston 149
A Recipe for Vibrant Beauty: Dee Ann Lensen 163
Your Health is In Your Hands … and Your Hips!: Janice Benna 177
Finding a Way Forward: Ali Perry-Davies 189