The Jim Landry book, titled Fool Star is a seventy-one-thousand-nine-hundred and forty-five-word work of Pulp Style Contemporary Fiction. It is a tale of a traveling musician and performer named Tony, whose undiagnosed tendencies toward a sad psychosis and schizophrenia eventually spawn action fitting for the sociopath few know, exists. Jim Landry is a native of New England, a published musician/songwriter, author and computer software architect. He enjoyed a career as a professional musician from 1966 through 2012 before settling in San Antonio, Texas to write. A busy mind, a tremendous long-term memory, adventures in music and life, years of travel, experience and meetings provide the story-telling and faction for Fool Star and provide ingredients for a reader to enjoy. While Tony reflects on his life, after a nasty confrontation leads to a beating, the reader examines the connection between Tony’s stolen childhood and the man he is sorely becoming. His own thoughts corkscrew through relationships and dissect experience. Conflict, constituted by his diligence, street-smart intelligence and high emotional quotient, against the questionable path down which he trod, unwinds in the end to offer both a finish and a new beginning.
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Jim Landry is a native of New England, a published musician/songwriter, author and computer software architect. He enjoyed a career as a professional musician from 1966 through 2012 before settling in San Antonio, Texas to write. A busy mind, a tremendous long-term memory, adventures in music and life, years of travel, experience and meetings provide the story-telling and faction for ‘Fool Star’ and provide ingredients for a reader to enjoy.