The Step-by-Step Guide to Starting a Successful Business and Becoming Your Own Boss!
Entrepreneur Quick Guides were specifically created for modern-day entrepreneurs on the go, providing practical tips and actionable steps that can be swiftly and effectively implemented. Creating, Planning, and Funding Your New Business is a comprehensive guide that will assist you in thinking, planning, funding, and preparing for the launch of your business.
This guide offers invaluable insights and solutions to questions such as:
- How can I determine if my business idea is truly exceptional?
- Should I start my own business or acquire an existing one?
- How do I effectively set up and plan my business?
- Where can I secure funding for my business?
- How do I assemble a capable team and prepare for a successful launch?
Prepare yourself to take the plunge and embark on your entrepreneurial journey! This guide will equip you with the necessary knowledge and guidance to confidently pursue your entrepreneurial dreams and become your own boss.
Part 1: Creating
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Taking the Plunge
Chapter 3: Good Idea
Chapter 4: Good Timing
Chapter 5: Build It or Buy It
Part 2: Planning
Chapter 6: Choose Your Target
Chapter 7: If You Build It, Will They Come?
Chapter 8: Make It Legal
Chapter 9: Plan of Attack
Part 3: Funding
Chapter 10: All in the Family
Chapter 11: Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained
Chapter 12: Looking for Loans
Part 4: Launching
Chapter 13: Looking Good
Chapter 14: Staffing Smarts
Despre autor
Stephanie Diamond, founder of Digital Media Works, Inc., is a seasoned 20-year management/marketing professional. She worked for eight years as Marketing Director at AOL, witnessing its subscriber growth from under 1 million to 36 million. She has created successful multimedia software products for AOL and developed unique business strategies and products for various media companies like AOL Time Warner, Redgate New Media, and Newsweek, Inc. Stephanie is the author of Content Marketing Strategies For Dummies as well as 25+ other marketing books.