Autor: Thierry Vilmin

Hansjörg Drewello is full professor for economics at Kehl University of Applied Sciences (Germany). He is Vice-President Research and Transfer, the German Director of the European Research and Competence Center for Cluster Management and Co-Director of the French-German Master program “Management of Regional Innovation Ecosystems” at Kehl University of Applied Sciences. His research is focused on regional economics and regional transition as well as on cross-border cooperation. Thierry Vilmin is the Director of Logiville, a private consulting firm specializing in the analysis of the urban planning and development local actors’ system. In addition to studies commissioned by local authorities or the Government, its director Thierry Vilmin has also carried out numerous systemic research work synthesized in his reference work „Urban planning, actors and system” (currently being translated into English). Margot Pellegrino is associate professor at the Department of Urban Engineering and researcher at Lab’Urba at Gustave Eiffel University, France. She has been involved and coordinates several research projects on energy transition in urban areas and particularly on the challenges of scaling up of energy renovation. She is the coordinator of the Master 2 program “Sustainable Urban Development”.  

1 Ebooks de Thierry Vilmin

Hansjörg Drewello & Margot Pellegrino: Local Energy Transitions in Europe
This book explores the implementation of the EU climate goals at the local and regional level. It sheds new light on local energy transition from an interdisciplinary perspective that includes spatia …