Autor: Thomas B. hrke

Roland Wengenmayr is science journalist and editor of the journal „Physik in unserer Zeit”. He studied physics in Darmstadt, with a temporary stay at the European research laboratory CERN in Geneva. After the diploma he worked as an engineer in the chemical plant construction then he moved on to the publishing house Wiley-VCH, where he worked as commissioning editor for physics and physical chemistry. Today he writes for prominent newspapers on topics like e.g. renewable energy. Thomas Buhrke is science journalist, editor of the journal „Physik in unserer Zeit”, and author of several popular science books within the ranges of physics and astrophysics. He studied Physics at the universities of Gottingen and Heidelberg and attained there a doctorate at the Max-Planck Institute for Astronomy. Subsequently, he changed to the publishing house Wiley VCH, where he started as an editor of the journal „Physikalischen Blatter” (now: „Physik Journal”) and later changed to „Physik in unserer Zeit”.

2 Ebooks de Thomas B. hrke

Roland Wengenmayr & Thomas Bührke: Renewable Energy
In the years since the publication of the first edition of this book, the world has undergone drastic changes in terms of energy sources. This is reflected in the expansion of this second edition fro …
Thomas Bührke & Roland Wengenmayr: Geheimnisvoller Kosmos
Strömten auf dem Mars einst gewaltige Flüsse? Wie beherrschen Dunkle Energie und Dunkle Materie die Entwicklung des Universums? Was ist ihre Natur? Welche Rolle spielen Schwarze Löcher bei der Entwic …