Prophesy Unchained; is written based on events noted mainly in Revelation and Daniel, supported by all other writings of Bible Prophets. Some have said, You can’t judge a book by its cover…
Thomas declares that, ‘You cannot judge a book by a single chapter’. Still – religious leaders build an entire doctrine upon a half sentence or a single word.
Prophesy Unchained; is written clearly – easily enough for a child to understand but too simple for an adult with a long standing history of being spoon fed convincing lies throughout a lifetime. Convinced by parents and ancestors who kept those lies alive. Many religious leaders and evangelists have become exceedingly rich by convincing people that the way to salvation is through better donations to their collection plate.
Suddenly Resurrection – Chapter 2; is based on Bible information like King David still in his grave and after the First Wave resurrection of Saints to accompany Christ for 1, 000 years – everyone will be in their grave to be raised more than 1, 000 years later. The dead know nothing – therefore; the next thing a dead person realizes is standing on earth with a few billion others waiting for some clothing.
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A long time ago – in the year 1940, there was a curious little boy born to middle aged parents who were God fearing but a little confused. He learned about heros like King David, Judge Sampson and Prince Daniel’s night in a lion’s cage, plus others like Moses and Joshua while growing up… Then switching heros to Superman, Batman and Elvis.
1966 changed the direction Thomas was going; which led to a continuing study that looked into the Biblical stuff no-one was able to explain clearly after searching through many church types and ministries… A Sabbath keeping Church of God ministry was very helpful in teaching Thomas HOW to study and how to navigate through Bible text.