Autor: Tihana Klepač

Stipe Grgas is the Chair of the American Studies program, in which he is also a Professor, at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Zagreb, Croatia. In addition to American Studies, his fields of interest are the contemporary American novel, Irish literature and culture, human spatiality and the new economic criticism. His publications include Nietzsche i Yeats [Nietzsche and Yeats] (1989), Ispisivanje prostora: čitanje suvremenog američkog romana [Writing Space: Reading the Contemporary American Novel] (2000), and Kažnjavanje forme: irsko pjesništvo poslije Yeatsa [Punishing Form: Irish Poetry after Yeats] (2006). He has twice served as President of the Croatian Association for English Studies, and is currently President of the Croatian Association of American Studies and the Regional Association of American Studies (AASSE).Tihana Klepač is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Zagreb, Croatia. She has published papers in Croatian literary journals on Australian exploration narratives and early Australian women”s writing, and, together with Ljiljana Ina Gjurgjan, co-edited Irish Mirror for Croatian Literature: Theoretical Assumptions, Literary Comparisons, Reception. Her interests include 19th century white settler literature of Australia and women”s life writing.Martina Domines Veliki is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Zagreb, Croatia. She has published papers in both Croatian and international journals, including Grasmere Journal, Studien Zur Englischen Romantik, and Central European Journal of Canadian Studies. For her first conference on Romanticism, she was granted the Jonathan Wordsworth Scholarship, and she also received two grants for her doctoral research (from the University of Bergen and the University of Newcastle). In 2013, she became President of the Croatian Association for English Studies (HDAS).

1 Ebooks de Tihana Klepač

Irena Zovko Dinkovic & Tihana Klepac: English Studies from Archives to Prospects
When we think about what it is we do in academic literary studies, we do so taking account of time – the time of the institution in which this disciplinary practice takes place, and the history of th …