Autor: Toby Talbot

Toby Talbot, a native New Yorker, has been an Upper Westsider since the 1950s. She and her husband Dan Talbot first owned and ran the New Yorker Theater in the 1960s, and then Manhattan”s Cinema Studio and Metro Theater in the mid-1970s and early 1980s. They now own and run Lincoln Plaza Cinemas on Manhattan”s Upper West Side. Talbot is the author of A Book About My Mother, Early Disorder, numerous childrens” books, and many translations, among them Jacobo Timerman”s Prisoner Without A Name, Cell Without a Number. She has taught Spanish literature at Columbia College and New York University, was formerly the education editor of El Diario de Nueva York, and now teaches documentary film at the New School University in New York.

2 Ebooks de Toby Talbot

Toby Talbot: The New Yorker Theater and Other Scenes from a Life at the Movies
The nation didn’t know it, but 1960 would change American film forever, and the revolution would occur nowhere near a Hollywood set. With the opening of the New Yorker Theater, a cinema located at th …
Daniel Talbot: In Love with Movies
“All that I do is go out and look at films and choose the ones I want to play—films that stimulate, and give some insight into our lives. I hope that people will come, but if they don’t, that’s okay …